Ugly Huge BSD Monster

Joao Schim joao at
Mon Sep 1 09:31:26 PDT 2003

On Mon, 01 Sep 2003 15:42:59 +0100
Mario Freitas <sub_0 at> wrote:

> FreeBSD is not intended to be used as a desktop, it is the best option
> for firewall and Internet service features which do not require
> extra-packages (or a lot of them) by default.

Hey Mario,

Well its my experience that FreeBSD is not only the best option for
firewall and Internet services but it is also very capable of running
desktop apps with the greatest stability. So that makes me wonder why you
seem to have that idea that FreeBSD isn't ment for Desktop.
I thought there was even a  freebsd-gnome list around, and if gnome isn't
desktop than i dont know what is..

With kindest regards,

Joao Schim                                         telefoon:(+31)40-2649860
BowTie Technology BV                Raiffeisenstraat 7  - 5611 CH Eindhoven

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