The future of X?

Rahul Siddharthan rsidd at
Thu Nov 13 20:24:17 PST 2003

Kris Kennaway said on Nov 13, 2003 at 20:09:35:
> > Well much depends on the monitor.  If you claim that the same fonts,
> > antialiased on both systems, are fine on windows and not on XFree86,
> > that's definitely a problem.
> Yes.

Out of curiosity, were the fonts also too blurry to read on KeithP's
recent screenshots, ?  

To my eyes, those are about as good as fonts get (I haven't seen more
readable small fonts on windows or MacOS X) and they are perfectly
readable on my screen, even the tiny ones in the mozilla menu in
screen1.png.  I'm currently looking at them on a 1400x1050 laptop LCD
screen, but saw them earlier today on a 1600x1200 CRT screen, they're
fine on both though I'd pick a bigger font size for the menus.

The fonts in the screenshot look to me like Bitstream Vera.  The
Microsoft fonts in the "x11-fonts/webfonts" port are equally good on my
system (ie, as good as on any windows machine I've seen), but older free
TTF fonts (URW fonts, etc) are definitely blurrier and often not hinted
right at small sizes.  


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