Fwd: ESR/OSI's Unix/Linux-history-laden treatise on SCO vs. IBM

Gary W. Swearingen swear at attbi.com
Thu May 22 14:30:55 PDT 2003

I removed ESR from the CC list; I doubt that he even read my last reply.

Stephen McKay <smckay at internode.on.net> writes:

> >From where I sit (FreeBSD devotee, occasional Linux user, open/free source
> convert) this does look very much like a theological dispute.

I'll admit to taking advantage of this first (and probably last :)
opportunity to converse with ESR, to express some theological things
that weren't required to support my main points about unfair statements
in ESR's treatise.  But there WAS non-theological stuff in there.

> I can't see why you are so peeved that while he's defending Linux from the
> wolves he's not also pushing BSD.  I also don't see why he should spend time
> in a pro-Linux document bagging the GPL.

You can't see why I'm peeved about that because I'm not.  And I agree
with your second sentence.

> I can understand why some people don't like the GPL, and why some people
> aren't entirely happy with the GNU philosopy, but this document isn't the
> place to explore that issue.

I agree.  Nor should it be a place to spread misinformation about it.

> Wouldn't it be much worse if nobody defended Linux and SCO crushed it?

Yes.  And it would be better if people didn't knowingly confuse other
people to win an argument too.

> Where would all the "count the angels on a pin head" arguments get you
> then?

To the same place as in the alternative.

Responding to such questions was probably as useful as counting angles.

P.S.  The SCO suits aren't going to have a significant direct impact on
Linux, regardless of ESR's treatise.  It's value (and harm) lies in its
education (and mis-education) of readers in AND AROUND the open source
world.  And anyone's comments on ESR's treatise will have even less
effect on the SCO suits, if that's possible.

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