ESR/OSI's Unix/Linux-history-laden treatise on SCO vs. IBM

Brett Glass brett at
Tue May 20 21:37:18 PDT 2003

At 11:51 AM 5/19/2003, Gary W. Swearingen wrote:

>    In his wrap-up, he gives us this copyleftic whopper: "We wrote our
>    Unix and Linux code as a gift and an expression of art, to be
>    enjoyed by our peers and used by others for all licit purposes both
>    non-profit and for-profit."

That really IS a whopper. The GPL ensures that Linux certainly CANNOT
be used "for all licit purposes both non-profit and for-profit." And
ESR knows it. This demonstrates his hypocrisy and that of the OSI: they
refuse to admit that the GPL is destructive and violates their own "Open 
Source Definition."

--Brett Glass

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