Need help buying American lipstick
Joshua Lokken
joshua at
Wed May 7 11:52:56 PDT 2003
* sektie (sektie at wrote:
==> > I can't help you find the lipstick. I can tell you that your mom
==> > and everyone else really ought to take a step back and try to
==> > honestly answer the following:
==> >
==> > Why am I applying this scented plastic to my lips and face?
==> >
==> > Makeup isn't taboo, on a man or a woman, it's just fake and
==> > unnecessary. My $0.02, tell your mom that she's a beautiful woman,
==> > and that she doesn't need the damned lipstick. She'll appreciate
==> > that more.
==> Easy for you to say, you're not a chick. We could get into how this is the
==> image society pushes on us today, but well, that's a bit too deep for me
Of course it is, doesn't mean you have to buy it.
==> before 10 AM. Personally, I wear makeup maybe once a month. It's a pampering
==> thing. Working in a building full of unix engineers/admins, I don't feel the
==> need to 'pretty myself up'. But that's just me. :)
==> Incidentally, I did look for the lipstick asked for, but I couldn't find it.
==> I'll keep looking when I go to other stores, but have you tried
==> I'm not honestly sure if they carry it; they are fairly high end. You might
==> try it though.
==> Randi Harper
==> sektie at
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