Need help buying American lipstick

Joshua Lokken joshua at
Tue May 6 09:39:44 PDT 2003

* Larry Sica (lomion at wrote:
==> Sounds like a bunch of programmers and computer geeks discussing 
==> something...hmmmm
==> >>Then again, what guy wants to be seen buying a case of lipstick
==> >>from his local Wal-Mart?
==> >
==> >I didn't think that this is such a cultural taboo in the US.  I
==> >guess I'm losing my touch with American culture.  Besides, I expect
==> >there are at least a few women on this mailing list.

==> [snip]  Actors wear make-up all the time, it just isn't 
==> talked about.  Double standard I guess.

I can't help you find the lipstick.  I can tell you that your mom and everyone
else really ought to take a step back and try to honestly answer the following:

Why am I applying this scented plastic to my lips and face?

Makeup isn't taboo, on a man or a woman, it's just fake and unnecessary.  My $0.02,
tell your mom that she's a beautiful woman, and that she doesn't need the damned
lipstick.  She'll appreciate that more.


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   before the sun hits Diaper Hill."
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