Local CVSup server doing funny things

Nils Holland nils at tisys.org
Thu Jul 31 10:55:14 PDT 2003

Hi folks,

it took me a long time to make up my mind if this belongs on -questions or 
-chat, but since it's not "strictly" about the FreeBSD OS itself, I thought 
I'd better post it here.

Basically, my local CVSup mirror server has started doing ... well, strange 
things. It used to work when I used it the last time (might have been half a 
year ago), but today it totally confused me.

The issue: I'm mirroring the FreeBSD CVS via cvsup. Updates are done daily 
from cron, using the following supfile:

*default host=cvsup6.de.freebsd.org
*default prefix=/home/cvs/cvs-all
*default base=/home/cvs/cvsup
*default release=cvs delete use-rel-suffix compress

distrib release=self

I just ran a manual update and it worked fine.

Now, first of all, let's have a look at what my *local* cvsweb says about the 
current version of the file /etc/periodic/daily/100.clean-disks in RELENG_4. 
I've put a screenshot of it here: http://www.tisys.org/misc/cvsweb.png. It 
says the same as the "official" cvsweb at FreeBSD.org, namely: is the 
current version.

Now I check out a *fresh* copy of src-all from my mirror server, using the 
following supfile on the client machine:

*default host=jasmina.thunderbridge.de
*default base=/usr
*default prefix=/usr
*default release=cvs tag=RELENG_4
*default delete use-rel-suffix


And if I now look at usr/src/etc/periodic/daily/100.clean-disks on the client 
machine, I see this:

# $FreeBSD: src/etc/periodic/daily/100.clean-disks,v 2001/01/07 
01:09:21 brian Exp $

Hmm. I would probably have liked to get the version that - according to the 
cvsweb which accesses the same repository as my cvsupd process - I *should* 
have gotten. And the clean-disks file is just an example, other files are 
also "one revision behind".

Now I'm really wondering what's going on here. Probably my configuration is 
messed up, but it used to work. I'll now go and cvsup several older releases 
as well as -CURRENT from my local mirror and see if similar problems occur. 
However, after reading this, does somebody have a clue what may be wrong 

By the way, concerning cvsup(d), what I'm using is:
Software version: SNAP_16_1h
Protocol version: 17.0
Operating system: FreeBSD4

Nils <nils at thunderbridge.de>

--> NEU: Das Thunderbridge Forum: http://forum.thunderbridge.de :NEU <--

"I painted all your pigeons red - I wish I had stayed home instead"

FreeBSD jasmina.thunderbridge.de 4.8-STABLE FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE #0: Thu Jul 31 
18:08:14 CEST 2003     
root at jasmina.thunderbridge.de:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/JAZZY  i386
 7:34PM  up  1:09, 4 users, load averages: 0.56, 0.49, 0.36

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