Microsoft Network Security Pack

frankie-freebsd at frankie-freebsd at
Wed Jul 30 15:03:41 PDT 2003

On Wed, Jul 30, 2003 at 11:40:05PM +0200, Andi Scharfstein wrote:
> Hi,
> > If you are using Microsoft's eMail clients, some additional caution is 
> > probably appropriate - at least you should always watch out for the latest of 
> > their "real" security fixes. But actually, if I were using Windows (I'm not), 
> > I'd probably use Pegasus Mail, since that's about the only sane eMail client 
> > I've seen there. ;-)
> Well, have you seen "The Bat!"? It's astonishingly good :) I agree on
> the first part, though. Outlook is *dangerous*.
mutt runs on win32, too.
And, as we all know, while all mail clients suck, mutt sucks less.

What do you care what other people think?
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