Microsoft Network Security Pack

Chip Morton 2m5mefx02 at
Wed Jul 30 10:26:13 PDT 2003

Sorry about that.  I guess I should have used my <sarcasm> meta-tags. ;-)

But joking aside, some of this stuff does concern me.  I do run Windows.
* hanging head in shame, sobbing into hands... *

At 09:09 AM 7/30/2003, Bill Moran wrote:
>Chip Morton wrote:
>>Well, I'm glad that I finally got invited to this semi-exclusive club.
>>I guess I should start thinking about security issues now...
>"semi-exclusive club"?
>You mean the one where we all get junk mail that isn't even targeted at
>us (such as Windows trojans, that don't even do anything exciting on
>FreeBSD, or viagra adverts, which address the wrong problem (I need a
>_date_ not a bigger ****))
>Well, it's not a very fun club.  We mostly just bitch about being
>members.  Welcome, nonetheless.
>Bill Moran
>Potential Technologies

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