Nonsense discussion: dreaming up new technology

Olaf Hoyer ohoyer at
Sun Jul 27 13:56:06 PDT 2003

On Sun, 27 Jul 2003, Bill Moran wrote:

> Since this is -chat ...
> I had this idea, and I'd be curious what some experts think about it.
> The basic concept is a printer that prints programs onto paper.  Imagine
> taking an oridinary sheet of paper and printing a "document" on it.  When
> it came out it had buttons and an LCD screen printed on it.  The difference
> between what would come out of a normal printer is that when you pressed
> the buttons, the numbers appeared on the screen. (all on the paper)  You
> could basically create a calculator by printing out a document.
> The overall approach is "interactive prited media".  Imagine a sales
> brochure where you could press the paper to check/uncheck options and
> see the price update right on the paper.


Well, german magazine c't published some time ago an article about a
company or research project that just achieved something similar to
Basically, the printer prints out electronic layout boards, like pcb
boards (I don't know the exact terms in english, so forgive any
technical incorrectness)

So the project was about simplifying getting electronic low-voltage
circuits to be done in quicker and more elegant fashion than traditional
smd-soldering etc, so they invented some method in "printing" them.

Well, it was some months ago, so digging around would be hard... is the website of the mag...


Olaf Hoyer        ohoyer at
Fuerchterliche Erlebniss geben zu raten,
ob der, welcher sie erlebt, nicht etwas Fuerchterliches ist.
(Nietzsche, Jenseits von Gut und Boese)

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