Nonsense discussion: dreaming up new technology

Brad Knowles brad.knowles at
Sun Jul 27 12:38:39 PDT 2003

At 12:27 PM -0700 2003/07/27, Bakul Shah wrote:

>  Many of these people are focussing on display applications so
>  it'll be a while before we get to what Neal Stephenson talks
>  about in "The Diamond Age" -- where a computer is sandwiched
>  between display surfaces.

	Already underway.  IIRC, Sharp recently printed some electronic 
circuits for a simple CPU on top of an LCD.

>>  So.  Am I the first to imagine such a thing?  How close is the
>>  technology to actually doing it?  What does everyone think about it?
>  Not the first.  But don't let that bother you!  Keep at it!
>  Think of *where* you would use it if it were available.  Keep
>  an inventor's log book and have it notarized periodically.

	Agreed.  This can be way-cool stuff, and inventions like this are 
one of the only ways we geek-types can hope to be able to make 
serious money.  It's not like we can ever get paid like doctors or 
lawyers, so we have to be inventors in a company and get rich on the 

Brad Knowles, <brad.knowles at>

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
     -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.

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