DNS Question (quite a bit OT)

Derik Wilson dwilson32 at kc.rr.com
Wed Jul 23 20:12:54 PDT 2003

Good point.  So if anyone needs any programming knowledge on an IBM 390/MVS
let me know.  LOL!  Not likely.

If anyone can let me know what is needed to register a DNS I would
appreciate that info.  I have my apache set up but I am not sure how to
register a named server so that I can point a domain name at it.  I can't
point the domain name at an IP with my current registrar, only named
servers.  Thanks
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dan Langille" <dan at langille.org>
To: "Derik Wilson" <dwilson32 at kc.rr.com>
Cc: <freebsd-chat at freebsd.org>
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 9:31 PM
Subject: Re: DNS Question (quite a bit OT)

> On 23 Jul 2003 at 21:25, Derik Wilson wrote:
> > Man! You guys are way over my head. (*Extreme freeBSD newbie here*)
> > But I'll try to keep up and learn from you all.
> The thing to keep in mind is that it is all relative.  Those people
> [who you think are way over your head] also have people who they
> think are way over their head.  We all have our areas of knowledge.
> And we are all, every one of us, a newbie.  Unfortunately, that's a
> point often missed by those who have forgotten their roots.
> -- 
> Dan Langille : http://www.langille.org/

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