DNS Question (quite a bit OT)

Derik Wilson dwilson32 at kc.rr.com
Wed Jul 23 19:25:22 PDT 2003

Man! You guys are way over my head. (*Extreme freeBSD newbie here*) But I'll
try to keep up and learn from you all.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Brad Knowles" <brad.knowles at skynet.be>
To: "Nils Holland" <nils at thunderbridge.de>
Cc: <freebsd-chat at freebsd.org>
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 12:14 PM
Subject: Re: DNS Question (quite a bit OT)

> At 6:55 PM +0200 2003/07/23, Nils Holland wrote:
> >  What you have found out is actually correct, and that's the problem,
> >  because you I want to change it. The nameservers currently
> >  for thunderbridge.de are ns{1,2}.modwest.com.
> Ahh, okay.  I missed that part.  Sorry!
> >                                                 It has also been set up
> >  Concerning the other "oddities" you have discovered: I don't care much
> >  about Modwest once I'm out of there, but I will let the
> >  folks know about them.
> Just keep in mind that any zones you have hosted on their
> machines are vulnerable, and any machines within those zones could be
> more easily broken into by using them as a vector.  If you're not
> going to work with them to try to help them get their stuff fixed
> before you move, then you want to be quick about moving your stuff
> somewhere else.
> >                          Interestingly, these folks don't seem to have
> >  much of a clue about DNS anyway, upon my first type=soa query I sent to
> >  their servers yesterday, I saw that the serial for both
> >  and loadbalanced.net was set to 0.  Even I know that this isn't too
> >  sane, and I bet DeNIC would also have complained about this, if it
> >  hadn't been corrected.
> An SOA serial number of 0 is technically legal, but would almost
> certainly have raised additional flags at DEnic.
> >  And thanks for your suggestions, I'll have a look at the debugging
> >  tools you mentioned, so I get more of a clue about this myself ;-)
> Good luck!
> -- 
> Brad Knowles, <brad.knowles at skynet.be>
> "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
> safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
>      -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.
> GCS/IT d+(-) s:+(++)>: a C++(+++)$ UMBSHI++++$ P+>++ L+ !E-(---) W+++(--)
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