DNS Question (quite a bit OT)

Nils Holland nils at thunderbridge.de
Wed Jul 23 09:56:34 PDT 2003

Brad Knowles wrote:

> However, I just checked both of these zones myself, and didn't
> find anything remotely like what you found [...]

What you have found out is actually correct, and that's the problem, because you I want 
to change it. The nameservers currently "responsible" for thunderbridge.de are 
ns{1,2}.modwest.com. It has also been set up on ns{1,2}.loadbalanced.net, and my 
intention is update my record at DeNIC to reflect this, after which thunderbridge.de will 
be removed from the Modwest DNS servers. The problem is that DeNIC currently 
rejects the loadbalanced.net servers, due to them being "out of range". Once my 
provider has fixed that, I can try again.

Concerning the other "oddities" you have discovered: I don't care much about Modwest 
once I'm out of there, but I will let the loadbalanced.net folks know about them. 
Interestingly, these folks don't seem to have much of a clue about DNS anyway, upon 
my first type=soa query I sent to their servers yesterday, I saw that the serial for both 
thunderbridge.de and loadbalanced.net was set to 0. Even I know that this isn't too 
sane, and I bet DeNIC would also have complained about this, if it hadn't been 

And thanks for your suggestions, I'll have a look at the debugging tools you mentioned, 
so I get more of a clue about this myself ;-)


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