What does "enterpise" mean?

Bill Moran wmoran at potentialtech.com
Wed Jul 23 09:24:12 PDT 2003

Gary W. Swearingen wrote:
> Terry Lambert <tlambert2 at mindspring.com> writes:
>>My first boss out of college taught me something that I've never
>>forgotten, and it's always stood me in good stead: "Eventually, a
>>software company has to ship software".
> They way I frequently heard it: "Eventually, they have to shoot the
> engineers and ship the software."

A friend once said to me, "Every artist should have someone assigned
to him at birth whose job it is to take their work away from them at
some point and force them to work on something new.  Because artists
are perfectionists, and without help they will work their entire life
trying to get one work of art perfect, which is impossible."

Don't know if that's a good idea or not ... but I've always considered
programmers artists.  The scenerio seems to apply.

Bill Moran
Potential Technologies

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