[Fwd: Re: RMS says: "Use BSD, for goodness sake!"]

Jerry Hicks gehicks at alltel.net
Mon Jul 7 14:22:40 PDT 2003

[snips ]
On Monday, July 7, 2003, at 11:43  AM, chgu at carebears.mine.nu wrote:

> Why dont strip FreeBSD down as much as possible and try to make ports 
> of
> the software. Like sendmail. Why is sendmail in /usr/src ? i guess it
> would be better to have in in ports. the same with cvs.
> I guess there is much software in /usr/src that dont "need" to be 
> there.
> My opinion is to keep FreeBSD`s /usr/src small.

I generally agree that a smaller system would be good.

It really boils down to an effort/risk/payback relationship.
There are things that will break if a lot of gratuitous change
is made to the organization of the base system.

With those relationships in mind it is hard to see the benefits
of shaking up the base system just to put it on a diet unless
there is a compelling reason.

It seems to me that a working PicoBSD would go a long way toward
satisfying the overwhelmingly small population of people interested
in SkinnyBSD.

> (god damn, my mailclient dont really under stand the "replay"-word. 
> sorry,
> Jerry Hicks.)

That's ok  :-)


Jerry Hicks
gehicks at bellsouth.net

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