Local CVSup server doing funny things

Nils Holland nils at thunderbridge.de
Fri Aug 1 07:56:42 PDT 2003

On Friday 01 August 2003 04:13, Christian Weisgerber wrote:

> No.  You want to replace these with cvs-all.  The FreeBSD repository
> has been reorganized and the above collections do not cover CVSROOT
> any longer.

Well, does *this* explain why most of the files I checked out from my mirror 
recently started to siply contain $FreeBSD$ as the header instead of 
"resolving" this to something like:

$FreeBSD: src/etc/periodic/daily/100.clean-disks,v 2001/01/07 
01:09:21 brian Exp $

Anyway, I've changed this now. Thanks for the tip. ;-)

Nils <nils at thunderbridge.de>

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