Code layout and debugging time

Gary W. Swearingen swear at
Thu Apr 24 12:37:21 PDT 2003

David Cuthbert <dacut at> writes:

> inline template <class T, class Compare> T * MyContainer::foo() const
> Uh, yeah.  Where's that function/method name again? :-)

That's a big peeve of mine.  Languages should have all declarations
begin with the name of the thing being declared, so hunting for
declarations is easier, especially in black & white.

I haven't thought it through, but I'm guessing that an object-oriented
lanugage like Python could be easily modified to simply have
declarations look like assignments, my_fun = function(a,b,c), my_var =
integer(32), etc.

I wrote a couple of small programs using this macro

    #define __(x,y) y x

so I could keep the non-name junk at the end.  IIRC, it worked best
(esthetically) to use "__()" around most non-control statements whether
or not it was a declaration, but I didn't do enough programming to know
if the improved readability was worth the trouble of using the macro.
Unlikely, and it's no good for code to be shared with others, of course.

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