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Terry Lambert tlambert2 at
Thu Apr 17 00:12:03 PDT 2003

Doug Barton wrote:
> > Actually in Job, Satan's more like God's "Attorney General".
> Getting back to Job, sah-tahn isn't so much in god's employ as he is
> bringing suit in his own defense. His argument more or less boils down to,
> "See God? I'm not the only one of your creations that's likely to crack.
> Take that fellow Job. He CLAIMS that he loves you, but that's just because
> he has had such an easy life. Make things tough on him, and he'll curse
> your name just like I did." It's actually one of the more interesting
> stories in the old testament, mostly because it was written specifically
> to be an interesting story (or fable, which is a story with a moral, to
> borrow a greek term from a later era).

So, basically, Job's been charged, and he's put on trial over
the charges, then acquitted.  Sounds like God's "Attorney General"
to me...

-- Terry

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