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sereciya at
Tue Apr 15 18:28:00 PDT 2003
> > You'd better explain that to the OED editors, then. They list "faer" as
> > meaning "a going, journeying; course, passage, way; voyage" dating back to
> > c1000, and "fara" as meaning "to journey, travel, make one's way" back to
> > 971. ("fair", "faron", "faren", and "farand" are also used in the same
> > meaning over the next few centuries.)
> Don't forget ferry. Oder F?hre auf deutsch. Und Fahren. They all have
> the same root.
You're absolutely correct. All of those words are derived from the older
Germanic root word "fer"/"faer".
--$êrêciya Kurdistanî
| Welat xwe ava nake, dest bidin hevdu, pist nedin tu dijminî |
| Riya azadiyê ne hêsan e, hêviya xwe bernedin, dema me |
| nêzîk e. |
| |
| Hevaltî bi kesên du rû nekin, hevaltî bi hevdu ra bikin |
| Ne ji hevaltiya wan kesên pêxwas û rû dirêj, ne bi wan |
| kesên xwînperest, ne jî ji yên din. |
| |
| -$êrêciya Kurdistanî |
translation provided on request: sereciya at
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