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Jeff Walters jeff at
Tue Apr 15 13:13:00 PDT 2003

On Tuesday 15 April 2003 03:42 pm, Ceri Davies wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 15, 2003 at 03:36:11PM -0400, Jeff Walters wrote:
> > I agree that usage of FreeBSD is most likely not going to harm your soul,
> > but regardless of the origins of the misperceptions, it's clearly doesn't
> > add to positive PR of FreeBSD.  Definition 1(a) of "demon" in
> > Merriam-Webster is "an evil spirit".  (See  Definition 2 is
> > the FreeBSD definition, "an attendant power or spirit".
> Webster's says different though:

If I remember my high school English teacher correctly, Merriam-Webster is the 
one true Webster.  Something about the person named Webster being sloppy 
about the legal side and somehow losing the general term Webster to the 
public domain; Merriam-Webster is the actual trademarked descendant of that 
original Webster, and I believe it's the only one a respectable (American) 
English teacher would use.  :)  This isn't even FreeBSD chat any more.

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