
William Fletcher ultraviolet at
Tue Apr 15 02:18:41 PDT 2003


You said, sell them on the idea of ports, or, suggest it. 
Anyway, suggest things like portupgrade, using nfs to store distfiles
on one server. Very easy to upgrade. Perhaps setup a cvsup-mirror for your
demonstrations. And, you'll need to sell them on the idea of a very
pretty desktop enviroment, KDE3, Gnome. (I personally prefer windowmaker,
but, that isn't going to hold water :/).

Anyway, as for redhat, unfortunate to say, the installation is much prettier,
and, everyone I work with, mostly linux fanatics (who haven't a clue) 
prefer to install redhat, because text scares them.

For some insane reason, management never likes good old black and white

What you really need to do is select a default layout of packages.
Install the machine with that, in as little time as possible.
Like, opera\mozilla, KDE3, evolution (puke)... And, make it look pretty. 

On Tue, Apr 15, 2003 at 01:51:13AM -0700, Doug Barton wrote:
> On Mon, 14 Apr 2003, Etienne de Bruin wrote:
> > Greetings - Our company is considering a move to Red Hat as an alternative
> > for Windows workstations and I would like to present a healthy reason why
> > FreeBSD would be a 'better' OS to install on our work stations.
> Here's a revolutionary idea...  red hat may actually be a better desktop
> OS that FreeBSD. Personally I'd be focusing on the joy that is removal of
> more microsoft products. :)
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Epweb Computer Monkey
William Fletcher <ultraviolet at>
IRC addict ultraviolet on

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