spammers kill me

Ulf Zimmermann ulf at
Wed Apr 9 10:44:35 PDT 2003

On Wed, Apr 09, 2003 at 10:48:48AM -0500, Chip Morton wrote:
> I got this piece of spam earlier today:
>     This message contains an HTML formatted message but your
>     email client does not support the display of HTML. Please
>     view this message in a different mail client or forward
>     this email to a web-based mail system.
> So now I'm not only supposed to put up with this stuff, but I'm supposed to 
> go through some effort to work around their formatting issues?  Puh-lease.
> Anybody else getting comedic messages like this?

All the time, but ... I almost never see them SpamAssassin -> INBOX.spam

Regards, Ulf.

Ulf Zimmermann, 1525 Pacific Ave., Alameda, CA-94501, #: 510-865-0204
You can find my resume at:

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