FreeBSD Security Advisory FreeBSD-SA-03:99.freebsd-sa

Anthony Schneider anthony at
Fri Apr 4 21:38:13 PST 2003

Y"KNOW, sed accepts filenames as arguments.

(it also really doesn't need the -e)


> Execute the following commands:
> a) for advisories issued before 2000:
>  % cat /path/to/FreeBSD-SA-XX:XX.txt.asc\
>    | sed -e 's/FreeBSD-SA-\([0-9]*\):\([0-9]*\)/FreeBSD-SA-19\1:\2/g'
> b) for advisories issued between 2000 and 2099:
>  % cat /path/to/FreeBSD-SA-XX:XX.txt.asc\
>    | sed -e 's/FreeBSD-SA-\([0-9]*\):\([0-9]*\)/FreeBSD-SA-20\1:\2/g'
> c) for advisories issued after 2100:
>  % cat /path/to/FreeBSD-SA-XX:XX.txt.asc\
>    | sed -e 's/FreeBSD-SA-\([0-9]*\):\([0-9]*\)/FreeBSD-SA-21\1:\2/g'
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