October 2009 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Oct 1 00:00:08 UTC 2009
Ending: Sat Oct 31 23:00:15 UTC 2009
Messages: 306
- kern/139281: Current hdac0: <Intel 82801G High Definition Audio
Controller> no recording
- Reboot FreeBSD
Serebryakoff Alexey
- Reboot FreeBSD
Serebryakoff Alexey
- I think problem with sound driver
Serebryakoff Alexey
- kern/140051: ARP not sent through Bridge Firewall with BCE network
Jean Aumont
- problem creating ipsec tunnel mode policy
Naveen BN
- issue with outbound SA selection
Naveen BN
- bin/135893: [patch] vmstat(8): 'vmstat -s -M core' is broken
John Baldwin
- kern/130698: [boot] FreeBSD 8-CURRENT does not start any more
since Dec. 10th [regression]
Andrew I Baznikin
- kern/108968: [panic] Double mount then umount and ls resuits in
Alexander Best
- kern/108968: [panic] Double mount then umount and ls resuits in
Alexander Best
- kern/139718: all mounted fs don't get synced during reboot/shutdown
with >= 1 mounted inaccessible device
Alexander Best
- kern/94827: [libc] mmap with given (void *addr) may lock
Alexander Best
- bin/136223: ee(1) doesn't handle SIGWINCH
Alexander Best
- misc/139598: CAM reports "xptioctl: put "device pass" in your
kernel config file" even when already present
Warren Block
- bin/139870: sendmail(8): existing sendmail aliases ignored until
sendmail restart
Warren Block
- kern/139559: several tun(4) interfaces can be created with same dst
Roman Bogorodskiy
- Issue with 'bsdlabel' --- program and documentation are inconsistent
Robert Bonomi
- bin/139389: [patch] Change top(1) to display thread IDs
Andrew Brampton
- kern/134344: top(1) shows user CPU value that's not equal to
the total of all processes CPU values
Andrew Brampton
- kern/135823: top(1) shows wrong CPU usage for multithreaded
Andrew Brampton
- kern/139363: diskless root nfs mount from non FreeBSD server broken
Daniel Braniss
- kern/139363: diskless root nfs mount from non FreeBSD server
Daniel Braniss
- misc/139387: Wrong lenth of PF_KEY messages in promiscuous mode
Rainer Bredehorn
- bin/139989: atacontrol freezes the system
Christophe Carré
- ptrace problem 6.x/7.x - can someone explain this?
Dorr H. Clark
- misc/140151: Fix potential setlocale(3) in hexdump / od
Garrett Cooper
- bin/139492: pkg_install - overlapping data buffer in call to
Bruce Cran
- kern/139527: twa driver fails to build in CURRENT
Nathaniel Filardo
- kern/140150: acd0: TIMEOUT - READ_CD with (audio) CDs
Henrik Friedrichsen
- bin/67365: sysinstall(8) doesn't find latinamerican keymap
Pedro F. Giffuni
- bin/67365: sysinstall(8) doesn
Pedro F. Giffuni
- misc/139869: bad compression on YOUR DVD
Lowell Gilbert
- misc/140018: locks up during boot on cpu error on Dell PowerEdge
Weldon Godfrey
- misc/140018: locks up during boot on cpu error on Dell
PowerEdge 2950-iii
Weldon Godfrey
- misc/140018: locks up during boot on cpu error on Dell
PowerEdge 2950-iii
Weldon Godfrey
- misc/139297: [maintainer update] devel/lmdbg: update to 0.11.0
Mikolaj Golub
- bin/139470: pkg_delete segfaults on '@pkgdep ' in +CONTENTS file
Mikolaj Golub
- bin/139314: /usr/bin/install -d reports success on failure
Mikolaj Golub
- misc/139422: make the jail safe for the parent system
Andrey Groshev
- misc/139422: make the jail safe for the parent system
Andrey Groshev
- kern/139549: reconnecting a firewire disk does not cause the
disklabel to update correctly/invalidate the cache
Dirk-Willem van Gulik
- bin/139651: mount: read-only remount of NFS volume does not work
Alexander Haderer
- misc/140066: install report for 8.0 RC 2
Charles Hedrick
- bin/139751: [patch] fetch/libfetch : NO_PROXY=localhost seems to
not work properly.
Xavier Heiny
- kern/139564: zfs - 8.0-RC1 - Fatal trap 12 at end of shutdown
Henri Hennebert
- kern/139272: [patch] [psm] disable synaptics mouse taps
David Horn
- kern/139272: [patch] [psm] disable synaptics mouse taps
David Horn
- misc/139813: [lib/OpenLDAP] ldap_set_option() causes segmentation
fault on amd64
Koichiro IWAO
- kern/140091: [PATCH] allow for da(4) large block transfer than
Artemiev Igor
- conf/140009: configuration issue NIS in /etc/nsswitch.conf
Volker Jahns
- kern/136417: [bce] bce BCM5709 "No PHY found on child MII bus"
on IBM HS22 blade server
Tom Judge
- kern/140036: lock order reversal with iwn0_com_lock and iwn0 softc
Ben Kaduk
- bin/139606: pkg_add coredumps silently on atlantis symlink
Poul-Henning Kamp
- kern/139565: ipfilter ioctl SIOCDELST broken
Jens Kassel
- kern/139268: patch to allow if_bridge to forward just VLAN-tagged
(or untagged) packets
P Kern
- misc/139409: [patch] fix tools/regression/tmpfs compilation on
Maxim Konovalov
- kern/139312: [PATCH] tmpfs mmap synchronization bug
Gleb Kurtsou
- bin/139346: [patch] add arp option to remove static entries listed
in file
Gleb Kurtsou
- misc/139409: [patch] fix tools/regression/tmpfs compilation on amd64
Gleb Kurtsou
- misc/139409: [patch] fix tools/regression/tmpfs compilation on
Gleb Kurtsou
- kern/139597: [patch] [tmpfs] tmpfs initializes va_gen but doesn't
update it on vnode change
Gleb Kurtsou
- misc/139683: just got cpu and has freebsd it says to login
don't know how
Patrick Lamaiziere
- Reboot FreeBSD
Patrick Lamaiziere
- conf/138672: ISO 3166 call Taiwan a wrong name,
please call Taiwan "Taiwan" as before.
Denny Lin
- kern/138171: FreeBSD hangs on boot on HP DL580 G5 system (16
cores, 64GB ram)
Daniel Austin MBCS
- kern/138171: FreeBSD hangs on boot on HP DL580 G5 system (16
cores, 64GB ram)
Daniel Austin MBCS
- misc/139825: [typo] fix spelling of Copyright in truss and
Ruslan Mahmatkhanov
- bin/139600: make(1): variable substitution for $@ in dependency
source fails
- bin/139601: make(1): variable substitution for $@ in dependency
source fails
- kern/139407: smb mount causes system crash if remote share no
longer accessible
Bob McClure
- kern/138235: [ata] Hotswap with SATA drives and AHCI enabled
does not work
Carsten Menke
- misc/139311: [maintainer update] x11-wm/matwm2: update from 0.0.65
to 0.0.66
Mattis Michel
- misc/139279: BSD Serbia domain change
Marko Milenovic
- kern/135014: [padlock] Using padlock(4) in 8-current triggers
"fpudna in kernel mode" warnings
Michael Moll
- kern/136098: [ata] ata only getting 33 instead of 133
Alexander Motin
- misc/139424: [PORT] emulators/virtualbox: Bridged network doesn't
David Naylor
- misc/139435: [PORT] print/cups-smb-backend: Add ability to use
difference samba port
David Naylor
- bin/140143: dlopen doesn't promote RTLD_GLOBAL for linked libraries
David Naylor
- kern/139571: Fatal trap 12: page fault while in kernel in process
swi1: net on 7.1-RELEASE-p6
Vladimir Nikiforov
- misc/139380: textproc/libxml2 threads support remains broken
Andrew W. Nosenko
- misc/139380: textproc/libxml2 threads support remains broken
Andrew W. Nosenko
- misc/139797: devel/glib20-reference doesn't install "GIO Reference
Andrew W. Nosenko
- misc/139723: Quagga/zebra abort trap 6, FreeBSD 8.0-RC1
Borodin Oleg
- kern/139653: READ_BIG sluggish ata CD/DVD performance on HP DL360 G5
Charles Owens
- kern/139654: CD-boot failure w/READ_BIG error on IBM System x3250 M2
Charles Owens
- kern/87906: [PATCH] nullfs NFS exporting
Steve Pate
- kern/139576: blink screen too noisy
Walter C. Pelissero
- kern/139576: blink screen too noisy
Walter C. Pelissero
- kern/139407: [smbfs] [panic] smb mount causes system crash if
remote share no longer accessible
Oliver Pinter
- misc/139283: Not work whois -6
Vladislav V. Prodan
- kern/139370: [PATCH] de(4) manual page typo
Kenyon Ralph
- Status Update
Chris Riley
- bin/136223: ee(1) doesn't handle SIGWINCH
Eygene Ryabinkin
- ptrace problem 6.x/7.x - can someone explain this?
Eygene Ryabinkin
- kern/126076: [headers] POLL_ERR and POLL_HUP are defined
Petr Salinger
- kern/126076: [headers] POLL_ERR and POLL_HUP are defined
Petr Salinger
- kern/133926: [request] MAXLOGNAME, the username length limit,
is too small
Ed Schouten
- misc/139734: res_send calls getsockname(2) instead of getpeername(2)
Michael Shuldman
- kern/139440: 8.0 RC1 panics on writing large files to ntfs-3g
mounted partitions
- misc/140015: Unable to stop tomcat6 from rc.d
Christer Solskogen
- bin/139319: flex: fix prototypes, esp. when YY_NO_INPUT is defined
Ulrich Spoerlein
- bin/139802: sbin/fsck_msdosfs: sync with NetBSD sources,
increasing WARNS
Ulrich Spoerlein
- bin/139970: sbin/geom/class/part: WARNS6 cleanup
Ulrich Spörlein
- bin/139994: fsirand(8): increase to WARNS=2
Ulrich Spörlein
- bin/139995: mount_hpfs(8): WARNS6 cleanup
Ulrich Spörlein
- bin/140000: mount_ntfs(8) WARNS6 cleanup
Ulrich Spörlein
- bin/140016: sysctl(8) raise WARNS to 3
Ulrich Spörlein
- bin/140017: umount(8) raise to WARNS=3
Ulrich Spörlein
- bin/140060: nos-tun(8) WARNS=3 cleanup
Ulrich Spörlein
- bin/140061: restore(8) increase to WARNS=2
Ulrich Spörlein
- bin/140078: route(8) increase to WARNS=3
Ulrich Spörlein
- bin/140081: routed(8) increase to WARNS=3
Ulrich Spörlein
- bin/140089: libcsu: Bump to WARNS=6
Ulrich Spörlein
- misc/139454: traceroute does not work inside jail
Frank Steinborn
- misc/139454: traceroute does not work inside jail
Frank Steinborn
- misc/139336: a humble suggestion
Bernard Steiner
- kern/105368: [geli] geli passphrase prompt malfunctioning when
mounting encrypted fs at boot time
Arne Steinkamm
- kern/139510: gmirror disappears after boot on 2T disks
Heikki Suonsivu
- bin/139314: /usr/bin/install -d reports success on failure
Thomas Swan
- bin/139345: handle SIGINFO in sleep(1), etc. [patch]
Mikhail T.
- bin/139345: handle SIGINFO in sleep(1), etc. [patch]
Mikhail T.
- bin/139345: handle SIGINFO in sleep(1), etc. [patch]
Mikhail T.
- kern/139604: [patch] ichwd watchdog sometimes does not enable
Dmitrij Tejblum
- bin/139470: pkg_delete segfaults on '@pkgdep ' in +CONTENTS file
- misc/139444: Fix for port math/freemat
Stas Timokhin
- conf/139040: [patch] 100.clean-disks shouldn't traverse devfs
Jilles Tjoelker
- kern/129172: [libc] signals are not delivered always
Jilles Tjoelker
- kern/45293: [libc] kevent denies to observe /dev/tty
Jilles Tjoelker
- bin/140151: Fix potential setlocale(3) in hexdump / od
Jilles Tjoelker
- misc/139997: Swissgerman keyboard support for MacBook/Powerbook
Andreas Tobler
- kern/140068: [patch] smbfs does not allow semicolon in filenames,
but should
Tom Uffner
- misc/139247: hald uses nearly 100% of CPU on 8.0-rc1
M. Vale
- conf/138672: ISO 3166 call Taiwan a wrong name,
please call Taiwan "Taiwan" as before.
Whiteg Weng
- misc/139670: New port: net-p2p/uhub uHub is a high performance
peer-to-peer hub for the ADC network
Dmitry Yashin
- kern/139609: 7.2-STABLE compile fails
- kern/139847: gem_mbr load/unload causes system to hang
- kern/139425: Wrong behavior of KTR_VERBOSE
Alexander Zagrebin
- 7.2 kernel panic
Eldar T. Zaitov
- misc/139723: Quagga/zebra abort trap 6, FreeBSD 8.0-RC1
Bjoern A. Zeeb
- issue with outbound SA selection
Bjoern A. Zeeb
- misc/140111: Addition to ISP Vendor List
cassius adams
- bin/139581: ipfw pipe
- kern/136363: [panic] panic: vm_fault: fault on nofault entr, addr:
- kern/136363: [panic] panic: vm_fault: fault on nofault entr, addr:
- bin/78087: groups(1) program inconsistency
brooks at FreeBSD.org
- bin/78087: groups(1) program inconsistency
brooks at FreeBSD.org
- bin/78087: groups(1) program inconsistency
brooks at FreeBSD.org
- bin/138954: whois(1) makes references to the 6bone,
which is defunct.
brueffer at FreeBSD.org
- conf/136620: [patch] add watchdogd_flags to defaults/rc.conf
brueffer at FreeBSD.org
- conf/126946: [patch] Add OpenVPN ports to services(5)
brueffer at FreeBSD.org
- kern/126076: [headers] POLL_ERR and POLL_HUP are defined
brueffer at FreeBSD.org
- kern/138383: [drm] [patch] NULL pointer dereference in
mach64_dma_vertex() in file sys/dev/drm/mach64_state.c
brueffer at FreeBSD.org
- kern/138387: [ppbus] [patch] NULL pointer dereference in
lptopen() in file sys/dev/ppbus/lpt.c
brueffer at FreeBSD.org
- kern/138388: [pcfclock] [patch] NULL pointer dereference in
pcfclock_open() in file sys/dev/ppbus/pcfclock.c
brueffer at FreeBSD.org
- kern/138374: [boot] [patch] Resource leak in command_help() in
file sys/boot/common/commands.c
brueffer at FreeBSD.org
- kern/93998: [libstand] [patch] panic in libstand when closing
raw disk device
brueffer at FreeBSD.org
- kern/137758: [amr] [patch] Delete one ")" in amr.c
brueffer at FreeBSD.org
- kern/124202: [aic] [patch] Add Adaptec 39320LPE to list of
known devices
brueffer at FreeBSD.org
- kern/138125: [kernel] [diff] bad style in kern_clock.c
(confusing as well)
brueffer at FreeBSD.org
- Current problem reports
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current problem reports containing patches
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current problem reports sorted by tag
FreeBSD bugmaster
- PRs recommended for committer evaluation by the bugbusting team
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current problem reports
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current problem reports containing patches
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current problem reports sorted by tag
FreeBSD bugmaster
- PRs recommended for committer evaluation by the bugbusting team
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current problem reports
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current problem reports containing patches
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current problem reports sorted by tag
FreeBSD bugmaster
- PRs recommended for committer evaluation by the bugbusting team
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current problem reports
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current problem reports containing patches
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current problem reports sorted by tag
FreeBSD bugmaster
- PRs recommended for committer evaluation by the bugbusting team
FreeBSD bugmaster
- conf/139951: byaewlww
- kern/100410: [bge] bge driver disables access to shared iLo on
HP DL360 G4
bz at FreeBSD.org
- conf/138672: ISO 3166 call Taiwan a wrong name,
please call Taiwan "Taiwan" as before.
- conf/129697: [patch] fix misbehavior of
periodic/daily/100.clean-disks vs. port lang/sbcl
chukharev at mail.ru
- Twitter-endlich Geldverdienen-kostenlos und sofort startklar
- conf/73337: [nsswitch.conf] [patch] potential invalid free
delphij at FreeBSD.org
- misc/139279: BSD Serbia domain change
delphij at FreeBSD.org
- misc/139409: [patch] fix tools/regression/tmpfs compilation on
delphij at FreeBSD.org
- bin/138061: Core dump in host(1)
dougb at FreeBSD.org
- conf/58557: Summer/Winter-time change causes daily cron to be
run twice
edwin at FreeBSD.org
- conf/96589: Periodic monthly invalid times with 32 character
edwin at FreeBSD.org
- misc/133158: Download not available
edwin at FreeBSD.org
- kern/139751: [libfetch] [patch] NO_PROXY=localhost seems to not
work properly.
fabient at FreeBSD.org
- docs/139336: ZFS documentation suggestion
gavin at FreeBSD.org
- bin/139283: Not work whois -6
gavin at FreeBSD.org
- bin/139346: [patch] arp(8) add option to remove static entries
listed in file
gavin at FreeBSD.org
- kern/139403: absense of AUE_NULL
gavin at FreeBSD.org
- kern/139609: 7.2-STABLE compile fails
gavin at FreeBSD.org
- bin/139600: make(1): variable substitution for $@ in dependency
source fails
gavin at FreeBSD.org
- kern/139581: [ipfw] "ipfw pipe" not limiting bandwidth
gavin at FreeBSD.org
- ports/139670: New port: net-p2p/uhub uHub is a high performance
peer-to-peer hub for the ADC network
gavin at FreeBSD.org
- kern/139723: Quagga/zebra abort trap 6, FreeBSD 8.0-RC1
gavin at FreeBSD.org
- kern/139825: [patch] fix spelling of Copyright in truss and
gavin at FreeBSD.org
- kern/139847: [geom_mbr] load/unload causes system to hang
gavin at FreeBSD.org
- bin/133493: gpt(8): 'gpt boot' should mark the slice in the
protective mbr as active
gavin at FreeBSD.org
- bin/139970: gpart(8): WARNS=6 cleanups in bin/geom/class/part
gavin at FreeBSD.org
- kern/138860: [linux] linux_socketcall() causing buffer overflow
gavin at FreeBSD.org
- kern/133144: [linux] linuxulator 2.6 crashes with nvidias
gavin at FreeBSD.org
- kern/139947: hmnukvnf
- bin/124517: [patch] cdcontrol(1) doesn't print all error
messages in non-interactive mode
jh at FreeBSD.org
- bin/107171: [patch] [ncurses] systat(1) doesn't die when it's
xterm is killed while it's running
jh at FreeBSD.org
- bin/112213: [patch] touch(1)ing a directory and failing yields
return code 0
jh at FreeBSD.org
- bin/134069: [patch] mount_nfs(8) option parsing bug
jh at FreeBSD.org
- bin/127932: [patch] mkdir(1): mkdir -p PATH fails if a
directory in PATH is on a read-only fs
jh at FreeBSD.org
- kern/88045: [nve] [patch] 6.0rc1: nve0: device timeout (51)
jhb at FreeBSD.org
- bin/139037: [patch] 8.0-RC1 krb5-config(8) does not include
necessary gssapi libraries
jhb at FreeBSD.org
- bin/135893: [patch] vmstat(8): 'vmstat -s -M core' is broken
jhb at FreeBSD.org
- kern/90580: [libc] wordexp(3) fails to check for EINTR
jilles at FreeBSD.org
- misc/139683: just got cpu and has freebsd it says to login don't
know how
joshua jones
- misc/139954: jpngolvf
- kern/139715: vfs.numvnodes leak on bussy zfs
- kern/139715: [zfs] vfs.numvnodes leak on busy zfs
kickbsd kickbsd
- kern/139268: [if_bridge] [patch] allow if_bridge to forward
just VLAN-tagged (or untagged) packets
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- kern/139281: [pcm] Current hdac0: <Intel 82801G High Definition
Audio Controller> no recording
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- ports/139297: [maintainer update] devel/lmdbg: update to 0.11.0
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- ports/139311: [maintainer update] x11-wm/matwm2: update from
0.0.65 to 0.0.66
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- kern/139312: [tmpfs] [patch] tmpfs mmap synchronization bug
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- docs/139370: [PATCH] de(4) manual page typo
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- kern/139363: [nfs] diskless root nfs mount from non FreeBSD
server broken
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- kern/139387: [ipsec] Wrong lenth of PF_KEY messages in
promiscuous mode
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- kern/139407: [smbfs] [panic] smb mount causes system crash if
remote share no longer accessible
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- ports/139405: net/isc-dhcp30-server: DHCP server with two
interfaces connected to one physical network
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- ports/139424: emulators/virtualbox: Bridged network doesn't work
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- kern/139440: [ntfs] [panic] 8.0 RC1 panics on writing large
files to ntfs-3g mounted partitions
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- ports/139444: Fix for port math/freemat
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- kern/139454: [jail] traceroute does not work inside jail
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- kern/139232: [panic] Kernel panic (spin lock held too long)
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- kern/139510: [geom] [2tb] gmirror disappears after boot on 2T
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- kern/139549: [firewire] reconnecting a firewire disk does not
cause the disklabel to update correctly/invalidate the cache
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- kern/139559: [tun] several tun(4) interfaces can be created
with same dst addr
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- kern/139564: [zfs] [panic] 8.0-RC1 - Fatal trap 12 at end of
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- kern/139597: [patch] [tmpfs] tmpfs initializes va_gen but
doesn't update it on vnode change
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- kern/139565: [ipfilter] ipfilter ioctl SIOCDELST broken
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- bin/139651: [nfs] mount(8): read-only remount of NFS volume
does not work
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- kern/139715: [zfs] vfs.numvnodes leak on busy zfs
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- misc/139719: security
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- kern/139718: [reboot] all mounted fs don't get synced during
reboot/shutdown with >= 1 mounted inaccessible device
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- usb/139598: [umass] CAM reports "xptioctl: put "device pass" in
your kernel config file" even when already present
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- ports/139797: devel/glib20-reference doesn't install "GIO
Reference Manual"
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- kern/94827: [libc] mmap with given (void *addr) may lock
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- ports/139813: net/openldap23-server: ldap_set_option() causes
segmentation fault on amd64
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- junk/139943: tpcfhcby
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- junk/139947: hmnukvnf
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- junk/139948: wfitksev
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- junk/139951: byaewlww
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- junk/139954: jpngolvf
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- junk/139956: yfyvgfha
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- junk/139961: ypzjcvff
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- bin/139870: sendmail(8): existing sendmail aliases ignored
until sendmail restart
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- gnu/139982: ld(1): BFD internal error
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- ports/140015: Unable to stop www/tomcat6 from rc.d
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- kern/140036: [iwn] [lor] lock order reversal with iwn0_com_lock
and iwn0 softc lock
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- kern/140019: Re: kern/140010: [cpufreq] FreeBSD 8.0 does not
support as many dev.cpu.0.freq=_levels levels as before [regression]
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- kern/140010: [cpufreq] FreeBSD 8.0 does not support as many
dev.cpu.0.freq_levels levels as before [regression]
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- kern/140051: [bce] [arp] ARP not sent through Bridge Firewall
with BCE network dirver
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- kern/140068: [smbfs] [patch] smbfs does not allow semicolon in
filenames, but should
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- kern/140091: [da] [patch] allow for da(4) large block transfer
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- misc/139683: just got cpu and has freebsd it says to login
don't know how
manolis at FreeBSD.org
- kern/134980: [ata] no effect of ATA_STATIC_ID on CURRENT with
AHCI enabled
mav at FreeBSD.org
- kern/126807: [ata] PATA DVD drive attached to AMD IXP700
chipset not detected by ata(4) driver
mav at FreeBSD.org
- kern/136098: [ata] ata only getting 33 instead of 133
mav at FreeBSD.org
- kern/133162: [NOTES] [patch] document modular ata driver devices
mav at FreeBSD.org
- kern/138235: [ata] Hotswap with SATA drives and AHCI enabled
does not work
mav at FreeBSD.org
- kern/98388: [ata] FreeBSD 6.1 - WDC WD1200JS SATA II disks are
seen as older SATA
mav at FreeBSD.org
- kern/133872: [ata] SATA300 controlled as SATA150 on ICH7R mobo
mav at FreeBSD.org
- kern/104818: [ata] Missing driver Silicon Image SiI 3132 SATA
II PCIe on ASUS A8N32-SLI Deluxe and others
mav at FreeBSD.org
- kern/120787: [atapicam] hardware troubles with atapicam and dvd
mav at FreeBSD.org
- kern/127316: [ata] non aligned DMA transfer errors when using
growisofs from sysutils/dvd+rw-tools
mav at FreeBSD.org
- misc/139869: bad compression on YOUR DVD
john mcfry
- kern/139576: blink screen too noisy
miwi at FreeBSD.org
- bin/136223: ee(1) doesn't handle SIGWINCH
rafan at FreeBSD.org
- kern/88045: [nve] [patch] 6.0rc1: nve0: device timeout (51)
remko at FreeBSD.org
- ports/139380: textproc/libxml2 threads support remains broken
remko at FreeBSD.org
- misc/139422: make the jail safe for the parent system
remko at FreeBSD.org
- misc/139422: make the jail safe for the parent system
remko at FreeBSD.org
- ports/139435: [PORT] print/cups-smb-backend: Add ability to use
difference samba port
remko at FreeBSD.org
- bin/139470: [patch] pkg_delete(1) segfaults on '@pkgdep ' in
remko at FreeBSD.org
- kern/139089: [panic] Panic: ffs_blkfree
remko at FreeBSD.org
- www/140111: Addition to ISP Vendor List
remko at FreeBSD.org
- kern/94823: [drm] DRM doesnt't work with i915.ko
rnoland at FreeBSD.org
- kern/126926: commit references a PR
dfilter service
- kern/139751: commit references a PR
dfilter service
- kern/90580: commit references a PR
dfilter service
- kern/135057: commit references a PR
dfilter service
- kern/133162: commit references a PR
dfilter service
- kern/133162: commit references a PR
dfilter service
- kern/135057: commit references a PR
dfilter service
- kern/133162: commit references a PR
dfilter service
- bin/135893: commit references a PR
dfilter service
- kern/120787: commit references a PR
dfilter service
- kern/127316: commit references a PR
dfilter service
- bin/139405: DHCP server with two interfaces connected to one
physical network
- kern/139943: tpcfhcby
- kern/140010: FreeBSD 8.0 does not support as many
dev.cpu.0.freq_levels levels as before
- gnu/139948: wfitksev
- bin/138131: [patch] pstat(8): pstat -t coredumps when reading
from kernel crashdump
wxs at FreeBSD.org
- bin/138131: [patch] pstat(8): pstat -t coredumps when reading
from kernel crashdump
wxs at FreeBSD.org
- kern/139956: yfyvgfha
- kern/139961: ypzjcvff
- misc/139719: security
Last message date:
Sat Oct 31 23:00:15 UTC 2009
Archived on: Sat Oct 31 23:00:20 UTC 2009
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).