bin/23501: pw destroy /etc/master.passwd when pw executing at the same time

Ken Smith kensmith at
Sun Feb 22 18:42:27 PST 2004

Synopsis: pw destroy /etc/master.passwd when pw executing at the same time

Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-bugs->kensmith
Responsible-Changed-By: kensmith
Responsible-Changed-When: Sun Feb 22 18:36:33 PST 2004

I'll give this one a try.  The submitted patch looks like it solves
what might be a file library routine buffering issue/file locking
issue but pw(8) might need more work than just that.  I looked it over
a bit and can't see where it is using normal password file locking
to avoid problems with vipw(8) running at the same time, etc.

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