misc/75188: portupgrade fails to install dependent packages

Heiko Adam adam at adamweb.de
Fri Dec 17 06:40:28 PST 2004

>Number:         75188
>Category:       misc
>Synopsis:       portupgrade fails to install dependent packages
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Fri Dec 17 14:40:26 GMT 2004
>Originator:     Heiko Adam
>Release:        4.10, 5.3 (i386,amd64)
Institute of Oceanography, University of Hamburg
FreeBSD MYMACHINE 5.3-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE-p2 #6: Fri Dec  3 17:39:13 CET 2004     root at MYMACHINE:/usr/src/sys/i386/compile/MYMACHINE  i386
When trying to install a package with "portinstall -P package", it fails to recognize the position of the downloaded package to calculate the neccessary dependent packages of the package:
(Version: portupgrade-20040701_3)

Example for portinstall -P xcdroast, that doesnt fetch and install dependet cdrtools-Package:

> portinstall -P xcdroast
--->  Checking for the latest package of 'sysutils/xcdroast'
--->  Found a package of 'sysutils/xcdroast': xcdroast-0.98.a.15_2.tbz (xcdroast-0.98.a.15_2)
--->  Installing 'xcdroast-0.98.a.15_2' from a package
pkg_info: can't find package 'xcdroast-0.98.a.15_2.tbz' installed or in a file!
--->  Installing the new version via the package
pkg_add: could not find package cdrtools-2.0.3_4  (proceeding anyway)    
"portinstall -P" or "portupgrade -P" at misc packages if they have dependent packages
Replace the following line in /usr/local/sbin/portinstall:
(Line 1707) 

IO.popen("cd #{dir} && #{PkgDB::command(:pkg_info)} -qfo #{file}") do |r|

IO.popen("cd /usr/ports/packages/All && #{PkgDB::command(:pkg_info)} -qfo #{file}") do |r|

solves the problem.
Seems that it doesnt look in /usr/ports/packaes/All by default to find the downloaded packages.

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