Urgent Request - Removal of Backlink/s to Comply with Penguin Update - ACNC.com

Deepak Gope deepak.gope at techmagnate.com
Sat Nov 30 10:58:56 UTC 2013

Dear Webmaster,

Greetings from Deepak Gope, SEO Project Manager for http://cubedynamic.us3.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=2a9dcd6c9efe14b991773507b&id=a8cb3bfe02&e=2b3330b3f1

As you might be aware, Google's Penguin update to its ranking algorithm was rolled out on 4th Oct, 2013. In order to safeguard http://cubedynamic.us3.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=2a9dcd6c9efe14b991773507b&id=e26c199d86&e=2b3330b3f1 from any future updates we are cleaning up our back links profile to comply with Google's Guidelines. In pursuit of this objective, we believe that backlinks existing on your domain anoncvs.heanet.ie should be removed. Please remove all links from your domain to ours by 3rd Dec, 2013.
If you need more details on the links to be removed from your domain please revert to us immediately.

If above links are not removed by 3rd Dec, we will be constrained to disavow them via Google Webmaster Tools. Notice that your proactive action as per this email is in your best interest. Google disavowal requests are NOT good for reputation of your domain.

Thanks and Best regards
Deepak Gope

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