i386/62382: Web access to PRs enables harvest email addresses for spamming.

Murray Baker murray_baker at ihug.com.au
Sun Feb 15 02:14:42 PST 2004


See PR ``i386/62382''.

Within days of submitting the update to ''i386/62382'', which has been
appended to the original PR with my unmodified email address exposed, I
have my first ever spams to this email address. Is this a coincidence?

I know that this is a real pain, but I suggest that if email addresses
are to be visible on web, they should be rendered into 'gif' or 'png'
and the html then reference the bitmap. Bitmaps should use different
fonts, colors, backgrounds to discourage ocr software.

``gfont-1.0.2'' will do some of the job.
Examples at gfont homepage.

How many email addresses can be harvested from the complete set of PRs?

My only defense against spam is to change email addresses frequently.

Cheers, Murray.

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