Apple Magic Mouse

Dirk Engling erdgeist at
Tue Sep 22 20:38:59 UTC 2015

On 22.09.15 22:03, Iain Hibbert wrote:

> in the rest of SDP code, these are styled SDP_ATTR_* is there a reason to 
> be different?

No, when I first wrote that code for bthidd, there was no other SDP
related code to steal from, so I never noticed there were naming
conventions. Going to fix that in phabricator.

> it is not required to credit the source of the information used to write 
> the handler for this device, but it is good practice to do so :)

Frankly, I never thought about how code from now on gets it's proper
attribution. Apple's proprietary report format now is only implicitly
documented in code and I normally hate putting arbitrary integer offsets
in code.

But on the other hand I have the feeling that already there is too much
non-generic code that does not even adhere to HID in a generic HID
driver and this is without a magic track pad handler. That left me
wondering if all of this should move to another object or maybe even out
of the generic bthid driver.

So I wonder how much documentation or reference to documentation is
adequate. Also, how does one properly link to linux or netbsd driver source?


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