Apple Magic Mouse

Iain Hibbert plunky at
Mon Sep 14 19:42:16 UTC 2015

On Mon, 14 Sep 2015, Dirk Engling wrote:

> On 14.09.15 19:18, Iain Hibbert wrote:
> > another option is to (in bthidcontrol) emit a fake descriptor which does 
> > contain information about reports you wish to handle..
> That does not help me with the magic numbers in the init report which
> needs to be sent on every attach.

You can list a feature report in the descriptor, and send the init command 
(which is a feature report) when it appears in the descriptor. but perhaps 
it gets too convoluted and I don't remember why I didn't go down the fake 
descriptor route in the end but it could be all of that :)

in any case, you have to know the DeviceID first anyway to decide if this 
device is special


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