troubleshooting "btsockstat: kvm_nlist: no namelist"

Waitman Gobble gobble.wa at
Sun Apr 5 22:17:25 UTC 2015


Does anyone know the reason(s) or circumstances I might receive the
error message "no namelist" from kvm_list?


# btsockstat
btsockstat: kvm_nlist: no namelist

kvm_nlist(kvmd, nl);
nl[0].n_name is "_ng_btsocket_hci_raw_sockets"
nl[0].n_type is 0, which causes the error message to be displayed.
should be something like 4 i think.

# hccontrol inquiry
shows list of devices

# sdpcontrol -l browse
shows service records

i am seeing some errors in dmesg,

ubt0: ubt_bulk_read_callback:977: bulk-in transfer failed: USB_ERR_IOERROR
ubt0: ubt_intr_read_callback:878: interrupt transfer failed: USB_ERR_IOERROR

Thank you,

Waitman Gobble
Los Atlos California USA

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