opcodes documentation
rmgls at free.fr
Thu May 5 16:58:38 UTC 2011
On Thu May 5 15:04:01 UTC 2011 Iain Hibbert plunky at rya-online.net wrote:
> On Thu, 5 May 2011, Raoul wrote:
>> are they device specifics, or something like read/rwite and so on?
>> Sorry for thje naive newbie question, but sure some slight
>> additions to the man page would be appreciated on this topic.
> you would need to read the Bluetooth Core specification for details about
> this, see www.bluetooth.com which I guess the manpage should also
> reference.
> the 'opcode' that you need is constructed by the NG_HCI_OPCODE() macro,
> from the OGF & OCF values for each command which are all defined in
> ng_hci.h along with the packet structures..
> in NetBSD I provided an HCI_CMD_xxx value that evaluates to the correct
> value for each command (since there is only a single command with each
> name, it doesn't really make sense to require the OGF/OCF in the API), and
> BlueZ also uses this method now I believe..
> regards,
> iain
Hello Iain,
Many thanks for your help, its clear.
I am always glad, and have so much to learn.
rmgls at free.fr
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