ES 388 (Broadcom based)

Iain Hibbert plunky at
Tue Feb 22 09:26:04 UTC 2011

On Tue, 22 Feb 2011, Volodymyr Kostyrko wrote:

> And it almost works. I can register devices with it, but I can't do anything
> more. Any phone connected shows that this device doesn't provide any services
> despite sdpd is running.

The device does not provide services, the FreeBSD host provides them..
sdpd merely provides the "Service Discovery" service to allow services to
be advertised.

What services did you want to provide?  You can use obexapp from ports for
file exchange, rfcomm_sppd from base for serial port services (its just a
channel, requires additional setup eg of PPP), and btpand from base for
personal area networking (some networking knowhow needed)


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