Samsung SPF-800P supported by FreeBSD?

Maksim Yevmenkin maksim.yevmenkin at
Wed Jul 7 15:45:57 UTC 2010


>  > > I'm considering to buy a Samsung DPF-800P ...  This is a
> Sorry for the typo, it's an SPF 800P.  (There's also a 1000P
> which differs only in the size of the display.)

no worries :)

>  > > digital photo frame that supports wireless upload via
>  > > bluetooth.  According to the specs on Samsung's web site
>  > > it supprts these protocols:  OPP, FTP, A2DP, AVRCP.
>  > >
>  > > Would this work with FreeBSD?  Has anybody tried this?
>  >
>  > opp and ftp should work. you will need to install opexapp from ports.
> You mean obexapp?  Are you sure that it would work?  I'm
> hesitant to buy a $200 device that might not work the way
> I need it ...

yes, sorry. i meant obexapp :) obexapp is known to work with various
mobile phones (and other devices) that implement opp (obex push
profile) and oftp (obex file transfer profile). it is likely that you,
or someone you know, own such a mobile phone, and, you can always try
obexapp against it to see what it does and how it works.

if obexapp works with a bluetooth qualified device (such as mobile
phone) that claims to support obex push/file transfer, then, it is
probably reasonable to assume that it will work with another bluetooth
qualified device (such as digital photo frame :) and if it does not
work, then it should be possible to fix it :)

> Actually I hoped that someone who owns such a photo frame
> could confirm (or deny) that it works.  Probably too much
> to hope for.  :-)

yeah, not quite sure why those things are so expensive :) throw in
another $50-$100 and you can get an atom based netbook with 10" screen
(better resolution too) with wifi and bluetooth (on some models).

in any case, if you decide to get it, i would be curious to see if it
works. and if it doesn't - i'd be happy to help


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