obexapp: handle 32-bit uuid in ProtocolDescriptorList

Iain Hibbert plunky at rya-online.net
Fri Dec 10 10:23:02 UTC 2010


I found that Mac OS X (10.3.5 at least, more recent probably not) provides
a 32-bit UUID for L2CAP in the OBEX records, this defeats obexapp trying
to send a file, eg from hcidump output

< ACL data: handle 13 flags 0x02 dlen 24
    L2CAP(d): cid 0x0040 len 20 [psm 1]
        SDP SSA Req: tid 0x1 len 0xf
          pat uuid-16 0x1106 (OBEXObjTrnsf)
          max 653
          aid(s) 0x0004 - 0x0004
          cont 00

> ACL data: handle 13 flags 0x02 dlen 40
    L2CAP(d): cid 0x0044 len 36 [psm 1]
        SDP SSA Rsp: tid 0x1 len 0x1f
          count 28
          record #0
              aid 0x0004 (ProtocolDescList)
                 < < uuid-32 0x0100 (L2CAP) > <
                 uuid-16 0x0003 (RFCOMM) uint 0xf > <
                 uuid-16 0x0008 (OBEX) > >
          cont 00

which returns 'Could not obtain RFCOMM channel' error

patch attached fixes this..

-------------- next part --------------
--- sdp.c	2010-10-19 18:48:27.000000000 +0100
+++ sdp.c	2010-12-10 09:34:15.000000000 +0000
@@ -230,7 +230,16 @@ rfcomm_proto_list_parse(uint8_t *start, 
 				goto next_protocol;
-		case SDP_DATA_UUID32:  /* XXX FIXME can we have 32-bit UUID */
+		case SDP_DATA_UUID32:
+			if (end - start < 5)
+				rfcomm_proto_list_parse_exit(EINVAL);
+			SDP_GET32(value, start); len -= sizeof(uint32_t);
+			if (value != SDP_UUID_PROTOCOL_RFCOMM)
+				goto next_protocol;
+			break;
 		case SDP_DATA_UUID128: /* XXX FIXME can we have 128-bit UUID */

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