obexapp access to pwd.db

Iain Hibbert plunky at rya-online.net
Tue Dec 8 16:40:11 UTC 2009

Hi Max,

one more thing with obexapp - I have it running in server mode here,
command line:

  /usr/pkg/bin/obexapp -s -S -C 10 -r /home/plunky/obex -u plunky

which works well - I can copy files to and from my obex directory as I
like locally and remotely.  A thing I recently noticed is that when my
phone connects, I get

  obexapp[134]: /etc/pwd.db: No such file or directory

in the system log. Naturally, this is because obexapp is running in a
chroot and there is no password database inside..  I'm not sure if this is
new behaviour but I don't recall seeing it previously.

I guess this relates to getpwnam or getpwuid in server.c, is it a problem?


PS there is also a fork()/daemon() cascade in transport.c I think you
removed the unnecessary fork() from main previously?

PPS sorry no time to investigate this stuff here just now but I thought
I'd let you know :)

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