bt dev questions

Alex Samorukov samm at
Fri Oct 31 09:53:02 PDT 2008

Hi all

I ported to FreeBSD anyRemote utility 
(, and while porting I got some issues 
which i`m not able to resolve myself.
They are not critical (program is working), but a bit annoying.

1) Why sdpd require root permission to open session? As for me it`s 
enough to check use file permissions on control socket. In Linux its 
possible to register service w/o root permissions, so in ported version 
I need to run it as root and then setuid to normal user.  What is the 
reason for this?
2) I was not able to find how to change provider name and server 
description in SDP_SERVICE_CLASS_SERIAL_PORT profile. anyRemote using 
usual serial over bluetooth, but with changed service name field. I 
found howto change channel (server_channel) but not description. Is it 
possible at all?

I`m planning to submit my patches to the ports tree at nearest time.

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