Need help with SDP interface

Guido Falsi mad at
Tue Oct 21 08:57:54 UTC 2008

Hello, I'm the maintainer of the gnokii port.

With the new version the author added some code to automatically find
the rfcomm channel to talk with mobiles using AT commands.

This function is very BlueZ specific and I'm trying to rewrite it to
work with FreeBSD's bluetooth stack.

I can't really find some documentation I need about bluetooth, so I
thought I could ask for help here.

The function as written by Powell Kot (gnokii author) reads out the
attribute of all the RFCOMM enabed profiles, discards some based on this
descriptive name and select the first one not being discarded,
exctracting the channel attribute.

What I can't find is the data structure of the NAME attribute, and hot
to read it using the SDP_DATA_* functions.

Anyone is willing to help, I think I just need the the pdf or links
to documentation.

I've checked through the sdpcontrol functions, and got some idea of how
things work.

I'm also doing a little cut & paste of code, so I wil need permission
from Maksim before submitting the code to the gnokii project.

Please don't judge me too hard, I'm no C programmer, just a system
administrator with some coding abilities :)

Thank you in advance.

Guido Falsi <mad at>

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