bluetooth USB dongles
Oliver Fromme
olli at
Tue Dec 16 04:29:26 PST 2008
Oliver Fromme wrote:
> After some searching, I finally ordered a "LogiLink Ultra
> Mini Bluetooth 2.0 USB Adapter BT0007". According to the
> manufacturer's web page it is Bluetooth V2.0 with 20m
> range (so I assume it's class 2, even though they don't
> mention this), and they even say that the chipset is "CSR"
> (which I assume means cambridge silicon radio).
Okay, basically it seems to work, but I have a few
questions ...
So I loaded the KLD modules manually (because I didn't
want to reboot) and inserted the dongle. This is what
I get in dmesg:
WARNING: attempt to net_add_domain(netgraph) after domainfinalize()
ubt0: <vendor 0x0a12 BT2.0, class 224/1, rev 2.00/31.64, addr 3> on uhub0
ubt0: Interface 0 endpoints: interrupt=0x81, bulk-in=0x82, bulk-out=0x2
ubt0: Interface 1 (alt.config 5) endpoints: isoc-in=0x83, isoc-out=0x3; wMaxPacketSize=49; nframes=6, buffer size=294
hardware_error: - hardware error 0x37
I'm a bit worried about the warning line and the hardware
error line. Is this normal and to be expected?
Anyway, I followed the instructions in the Handbook and
ran "/etc/rc.d/bluetooth start ubt0". I expected to get
a few lines of output, according to the Handbook chapter
32.4. But I got nothing at all. Am I missing something,
or should the Handbook get a fix?
Still it seems to work: When I enable BT on my mobile
phone, FreeBSD finds it:
# hccontrol inquiry
Inquiry result, num_responses=1
Inquiry result #0
BD_ADDR: 00:60:57:2e:27:de
Page Scan Rep. Mode: 0x1
Page Scan Period Mode: 00
Page Scan Mode: 00
Class: 50:02:04
Clock offset: 0x18a1
Inquiry complete. Status: No error [00]
And vice versa: The phone lists my FreeBSD box when I
initiate a scan.
The next thing I'm going to try is to connect to the
NXT brick.
Best regards
Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing b. M.
Handelsregister: Registergericht Muenchen, HRA 74606, Geschäftsfuehrung:
secnetix Verwaltungsgesellsch. mbH, Handelsregister: Registergericht Mün-
chen, HRB 125758, Geschäftsführer: Maik Bachmann, Olaf Erb, Ralf Gebhart
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"The scanf() function is a large and complex beast that often does
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