bluetooth mouse/keyboard blues

Alexandre "Sunny" Kovalenko alex.kovalenko at
Tue Nov 6 16:20:14 PST 2007

On Tue, 2007-11-06 at 02:03 +0300, Vladimir Grebenschikov wrote:
> On Sun, 2007-11-04 at 14:47 -0700, Maksim Yevmenkin wrote:
> > if you dual boot your system and use the same bluetooth device you
> > will need to re-pair your keyboard every time you boot to another os.
> > (if) you can get a link key from win xp registry (or elsewhere) you
> > can put the same link key into hcsecd.conf and then you will not need
> > to re-pair.
> Hmm, strange, I have bluetooth mouse and it works under both Windows and
> FreeBSD on my noteboot without re-pairing every boot to other OS.
> I've not done anything special about it, just pair it once under
> FreeBSD, then once under Windows.
> What's the difference ? "Magically" it have generated same key for both
> OSes ?
> (my mouse is Logitech MX900)
I think spec allows cheaper devices to use single link key ("unit" key,
as opposed to the "combination" key) with everyone, and not generate it
for every repairing.
Simplest way to verify that is to store backup copy of
var/db/hcsecd.keys, remove mouse key (or remove the whole file, if the
mouse is the only bluetooth device you are using), reboot, repair the
mouse and see if new key is any different then the old one.

OT: @vova -- if you are still having problems with Evolution, you can
try my patch on the Gnome Bugzilla.

Alexandre "Sunny" Kovalenko

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