L2CAP doesn't seem to be up

ml-vic ml-vic at de-martino.it
Fri Mar 23 20:56:28 UTC 2007


Sorry for annoying you but actually I'm absolutely new to bluetooth with which 
I'm somewhat in deep waters.

I read everything I found in freebsd docs and pieces of info and email but  
must admit not that much in man pages. This because an absolute beginner like 
me is frankly disorientated  by, e.g., this extracted from "man sdpd" : 
The sdpd daemon keeps track of the Bluetooth services registered on the
     host and responds to Service Discovery inquiries from the remote Blue-
     tooth devices.
     In order to use any service remote Bluetooth device need to send Service
     Search and Service Attribute or Service Search Attribute request over
     Bluetooth L2CAP connection on SDP PSM (0x0001). Etc..... 
Ciao - Vittorio

Alle 16:26, venerdì 23 marzo 2007, Maksim Yevmenkin ha scritto:
> for the last time, please _read_man_page_

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