is bluetooth 2.0 speeds supported on freebsd?

Alexander V. Ribchansky triosoft at
Wed Jan 10 01:37:16 PST 2007

Iain Hibbert ?????:
> On Tue, 9 Jan 2007, Maksim Yevmenkin wrote:
>> the main problem is time. basically i have to
>> 2) read and understand bluetooth 2.0 spec;
> The HCI spec is not very different, just some extensions and a bit of
> obsoletions. The biggest problem I found was that ADD_SCO_CON is
> deprecated in favour of SETUP_SCO_CON but the 2.0 dongle I have doesn't
> implement that and must use ADD_SCO_CON anyway.
>> you could do a simple task of updating ng_hci.h headers to include all the
>> 2.0+edr hci commands and events. i think someone already might have done a
>> port of it. you are more then welcome to send patches to the list.
> the NetBSD (src/sys/netbt/) hci.h file contains all the 2.0 definitions..
> I'm not sure exactly, what is required to support any extra speeds because
> there is no command to say 'enable EDR now'. The only thing that might be
> necessary in fact is to specify the packet types that may be used.
> IIRC, FreeBSD uses 0xffff as the packet type mask by default?
> Confusingly, the extra packet types are enabled by clearing the bits
> unused in the earlier specifications. I only have one USB port so I can't
> test throughput between v2.0 dongles, but have the following two devices
> currently installed:
> 	(v1.1)
> bt3c0: bdaddr 00:04:76:e1:4a:f5 flags 0x3<UP,RUNNING>
> 	ptype: [0xff1e] DM1 DH1 DM3 DH3 DM5 DH5
> 	features: <3 slot> <5 slot> <encryption> <slot offset> <timing accuracy>
>         <role switch> <hold mode> <sniff mode> <park mode> <RSSI> <channel quality>
>         <SCO link> <HV2> <HV3> <u-Law log> <A-Law log> <CVSD data> <power control>
> 	(v2.0 + EDR)
> ubt0: bdaddr 00:08:1b:8d:ba:6d flags 0x3<UP,RUNNING>
> 	ptype: [0xcc18] DM1 DH1 DM3 DH3 DM5 DH5 2-DH1 3-DH1 2-DH3 3-DH3 2-DH5 3-DH5

I'm a very-very newbie in bluetooth, but if the whole problem is to
properly detect adapter capabilities and to properly config frame mask
if adapter supports EDR, could someone tell me a place in src, where I
should apply WHERRY DIRTY HACK to insist that adapter support EDR
frames? just to test if it work with 2.0 adapter. Or I miss something,
reading this thread?



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