About Inquiry_with_RSSI

Carlos Fernández Herranz cfernandezh at udc.es
Tue Mar 28 11:01:41 UTC 2006


In the bluetooth specification there isn't neither a specific command to 
carry out an inquiry with rssi nor a command packet. I've tried to 
implement the "write_inquiry_mode" command and then make an usual 
inquiry. The problem is that the "write_inquiry_mode" command doesn't 
seem to work, because I only receive " NG_HCI_EVENT_INQUIRY_RESULT" 
events instead of "NG_HCI_EVENT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI" ones.

Could you tell me if I'm doing something wrong?:


*typedef* *struct* {
        u_int8_t        num_responses;      //* number of responses *//
//*      ng_hci_inquiry_response[num_responses]   -- see below *//
} __attribute__ ((packed)) ng_hci_inquiry_result_with_rssi_ep;

*typedef* *struct* {
        bdaddr_t        bdaddr;
        u_int8_t        pagescan_rep_mode;
        u_int8_t        pagescan_period_mode;
        u_int8_t        page_scan_mode;
        u_int8_t        uclass[NG_HCI_CLASS_SIZE];
        u_int16_t       clock_offset;
        char 	        rssi;
} __attribute__ ((packed)) ng_hci_inquiry_response_with_rssi;

#define NG_HCI_OCF_WRITE_INQUIRY_MODE          0x0045
*typedef* *struct* {
        uint8_t         mode;
} __attribute__ ((packed)) ng_hci_write_inquiry_mode_cp;
*typedef* *struct* {
        uint8_t         status;
} __attribute__ ((packed)) ng_hci_write_inquiry_mode_rp;


static int socket_open(char const *node)
	*struct* sockaddr_hci			addr;
	*struct* ng_btsocket_hci_raw_filter	filter;
	int					s, mib[4];
	size_t					size;

	*if* (s < 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "Could not create socket\n");

	memset(&addr, 0, *sizeof*(addr));
	addr.hci_len = *sizeof*(addr);
	addr.hci_family = AF_BLUETOOTH;
	strncpy(addr.hci_node, node, *sizeof*(addr.hci_node));
	*if* (bind(s, (*struct* sockaddr *) &addr, *sizeof*(addr)) < 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "Could not bind socket, node=%s\n", node);

	*if* (connect(s, (*struct* sockaddr *) &addr, *sizeof*(addr)) < 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "Could not connect socket, node=%s\n", node);

	memset(&filter, 0, *sizeof*(filter));
	bit_set(filter.event_mask, NG_HCI_EVENT_COMMAND_COMPL - 1);
	bit_set(filter.event_mask, NG_HCI_EVENT_COMMAND_STATUS - 1);
	bit_set(filter.event_mask, NG_HCI_EVENT_INQUIRY_COMPL - 1);
	bit_set(filter.event_mask, NG_HCI_EVENT_INQUIRY_RESULT - 1);
	///Inquiry_rssi modification/
	bit_set(filter.event_mask, NG_HCI_EVENT_INQUIRY_RESULT_WITH_RSSI - 1);
	bit_set(filter.event_mask, NG_HCI_EVENT_CON_COMPL - 1);
	bit_set(filter.event_mask, NG_HCI_EVENT_DISCON_COMPL - 1);
	bit_set(filter.event_mask, NG_HCI_EVENT_REMOTE_NAME_REQ_COMPL - 1);
	bit_set(filter.event_mask, NG_HCI_EVENT_READ_REMOTE_FEATURES_COMPL - 1);
	bit_set(filter.event_mask, NG_HCI_EVENT_READ_REMOTE_VER_INFO_COMPL - 1);
	bit_set(filter.event_mask, NG_HCI_EVENT_RETURN_LINK_KEYS - 1);
	bit_set(filter.event_mask, NG_HCI_EVENT_READ_CLOCK_OFFSET_COMPL - 1);
	bit_set(filter.event_mask, NG_HCI_EVENT_CON_PKT_TYPE_CHANGED - 1);
	bit_set(filter.event_mask, NG_HCI_EVENT_ROLE_CHANGE - 1);

	*if* (setsockopt(s, SOL_HCI_RAW, SO_HCI_RAW_FILTER, 
			(void * const) &filter, *sizeof*(filter)) < 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "Could not setsockopt()\n");

	size = (*sizeof*(mib)/*sizeof*(mib[0]));
	*if* (sysctlnametomib("net.bluetooth.hci.command_timeout",mib,&size) < 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "Could not sysctlnametomib()\n");

	*if* (sysctl(mib, *sizeof*(mib)/*sizeof*(mib[0]),
			(void *) &timeout, &size, NULL, 0) < 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "Could not sysctl()\n");

	timeout ++;

	*return* (s);
} //* socket_open *//


//* Send Write_Inquiry_Mode command to the unit (Bluetooth v1.2 upgrade)*// 
static int hci_write_inquiry_mode(int s, int mode)
        ng_hci_write_inquiry_mode_cp   cp;
        ng_hci_write_inquiry_mode_rp   rp;
	int 				n;

        //* parse command parameters *//
        *switch* (mode) {
        *case* 0:
                cp.mode = (uint8_t) mode;
        *case* 1:
                cp.mode = (uint8_t) mode;
                *return* (ERROR);

        n = *sizeof*(rp);
        *if* (hci_request(s, NG_HCI_OPCODE(NG_HCI_OGF_HC_BASEBAND,
                        (char const *) &cp, *sizeof*(cp),
                        (char *) &rp, &n) == ERROR) {

	                *return* (ERROR);

        *if* (rp.status != 0x00) {
                fprintf(stdout, "Status: %s [%#02x]\n",
                        hci_status2str(rp.status), rp.status);
                *return* (FAILED);

        *return* (OK);
} //* hci_write_inquiry_mode *//


static int hci_inquiry(int s)
	int			 n0, timo;
	uint8_t			 b[512];
	ng_hci_inquiry_cp	 cp;
	ng_hci_event_pkt_t	*e = (ng_hci_event_pkt_t *) b;

	//* set defaults *//
	cp.lap[2] = 0x9e;
	cp.lap[1] = 0x8b;
	cp.lap[0] = 0x33;
	cp.inquiry_length = INQ_LENGHT;
	cp.num_responses = NUM_RESPONSES;

	//* send request and expect status back *//
	n0 = *sizeof*(b);
	*if* (hci_request(s, NG_HCI_OPCODE(NG_HCI_OGF_LINK_CONTROL,
			NG_HCI_OCF_INQUIRY), (char const *) &cp, *sizeof*(cp),
			b, &n0) == ERROR)
		*return* (ERROR);

	*if* (*b != 0x00)
		*return* (FAILED);

	timo = timeout;
	timeout = cp.inquiry_length * 1.28 + 1;

	//* wait for inquiry events *//
	n0 = *sizeof*(b);
	*if* (hci_recv(s, b, &n0) == ERROR) {
		timeout = timo;
		*return* (ERROR);

	*if* (n0 < *sizeof*(*e)) {
		timeout = timo;
		errno = EIO;
		*return* (ERROR);

	*switch* (e->event) {
		ng_hci_inquiry_result_ep	*ir = 
				(ng_hci_inquiry_result_ep *)(e + 1);
		uint8_t				*r = (uint8_t *)(ir + 1);

		*for* (n0 = 0; n0 < ir->num_responses; n0++)

		*goto* wait_for_more;

		ng_hci_inquiry_result_with_rssi_ep	*ir = 
				(ng_hci_inquiry_result_with_rssi_ep *)(e + 1);
		uint8_t					*r = (uint8_t *)(ir + 1);

		*for* (n0 = 0; n0 < ir->num_responses; n0++)

		*goto* wait_for_more;


		*goto* wait_for_more;

	timeout = timo;

	*return* (OK);
} //* hci_inquiry *//


static void hci_inquiry_response_with_rssi(uint8_t **b)
	ng_hci_inquiry_response_with_rssi	*ir = (ng_hci_inquiry_response_with_rssi *)(*b);
	printf("BTADDR: %s \t RSSI: %d", hci_bdaddr2str(&ir->bdaddr), ir->rssi);
	write_cmd(respuesta, strlen(respuesta));
} //* hci_inquiry_response_with_rssi *//


Best regards.


Maksim Yevmenkin wrote:

> [...]
>> I would like to know if it could be possible upgrade the Bluetooth 
>> stack so the command Inquiry_with_RSSI could be supported and the way 
>> I could 
> strictly speaking it should be already supported. all you need to do 
> is to create proper hci command packet and send it via hci raw socket. 
> you also might need to adjust filter settings on the hci raw socket to 
> allow command to be sent.
> whats missing is the definition of new bluetooth v1.2 hci commands and 
> events, but nothing prevents you from defining those locally and 
> creating valid hci command packet.
> of course, the device itself must support bluetooth v1.2 hci 
> commands/events.
>> do it.  Can I follow the BlueZ stack to adapt the FreeBSD one?
> i'm not sure what are you asking here.
> thanks,
> max

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