Logitech hid2hci app

Anish Mistry amistry at am-productions.biz
Tue Dec 26 05:56:26 PST 2006

	I've created a hid2hci application that converts Logitech Bluetooth 
HID hubs to Bluetooth HCI devices.  This is similar to the Linux 
hid2hci, but only does Logitech devices and doesn't perform any 
device matching.  Currently it's a bit awkward to use since you'll 
need uhid and ng_ubt loaded.

Just compile with gcc:
gcc logitech-hid2hci.c -o logitech-hid2hci

You keyboard and mouse should attach as /dev/uhid*.  Run the app 
against the uhid devices.
./logitech-hid2hci /dev/uhid0
./logitech-hid2hci /dev/uhid1

An ubt device should now appear.

Just for reference if you have a non-logitech device the following 
should work, just point it at a ugen device.

Anish Mistry
amistry at am-productions.biz
AM Productions http://am-productions.biz/
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