3Com PCMCIA 3CRWB6096B ?

Kurt Jaeger pi at c0mplx.org
Sat Sep 3 14:26:14 PDT 2005


Had anyone luck with the 3Com PCMCIA 3CRWB6096B under fbsd 5.4p6 ?

I've put the dmesg output of my experiment with it on

Basically, it says:

pccard1: CIS version PC Card Standard 7.1
pccard1: CIS info: 3Com, 3CRWB6096B Bluetooth PC Card, , 
pccard1: Manufacturer code 0x101, product 0x41
pccard1: function 0: serial port, ccr addr f8 mask f
pccard1: function 0, config table entry 1: I/O card; irq mask ffff; iomask 4, io
space 0-f; maxtwins 7; rdybsy_active io8 irqshare irqlevel
pccard1: function 0, config table entry 2: I/O card; irq mask ffff; iomask 4, io
space 0-f; maxtwins 7; rdybsy_active io8 irqshare irqlevel
pcib1: device pccard1 requested decoded memory range 0x90000000-0x903fffff
btccc0 at port 0x100-0x10f irq 10 function 0 config 1 on pccard1
btccc0: [GIANT-LOCKED]
btccc0: Strange status=0xffff
btccc0: Reseting the card...
btccc0: Starting firmware download process...

but the simple guess that this card is compatible enough to
work with the 3CRWB60-A firmware and driver seems to be invalid.

I'd appreciate any pointer.

pi at c0mplx.org           +49 171 3101372                        15 years to go !

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