HID Proxy switching

René Scholz rene at fantastici.de
Wed Jan 12 13:04:03 PST 2005

Am 12.01.2005 um 19:44 Uhr schrieb Maksim Yevmenkin:


> what driver attaches to the device? ugen(4), uhid(4) or other? can you 
> tell what endpoints are available? hint: look in /var/log/messages and 
> /dev.

I had uhid, ums and ukbd compiled into my kernel, so ukbd und ums take 
the device.
Your hints were the right ones ;-) just compiled hid2hci.c with libusb, 
changed the
kernel to use uhid, ums and ukbd as modules so that ugen attached to 
the device. Then
I loaded ubt_ng and used hid2hci to switch the modes, hid2hci gave an 
error "Switching
device 0a12:1000 to HCI mode failed (Input/output error)" but the 
switch was successfully
done and voila ubt_ng found my bluetooh device.

If I'd have a bt mouse and/or keyboard there might be some hassle to 
load and unload the modules
in the right order to use the hid or the hci part, but I have neither 
of them so it's okay.

So thank you and Marcel for giving me the right input and yes hid2hci.c 
has no dependencies on the
Linux USB stack.


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