sprintpcs treo 650 & blutooth & dialup networking

Bakul Shah bakul at BitBlocks.com
Fri Aug 26 21:57:14 GMT 2005

> i'm not exactly sure how this work in your case (never had a cdma
> phone :) you need to have some sort of wireless internet access plan
> activated on your phone.  you will probably use 1xRTT (instead of
> gprs) on cdma network. you also need to make sure that wireless
> internet access plan you have allows you to use your treo as wireless
> modem. in other words you need to make sure that access point you are
> connecting to talk ppp and ip and not wap/whatever. then you will need
> to use something called "bluetooth dun profile" on treo (and
> rfcomm_pppd(8) on pc).
> it seems earlier versions of treo shipped to sprint pcs have bluetooth
> dun profile disabled. you need to check with sprint and make sure your
> treo supports it - you may need firmware upgrade.

I have the firmware upgrade that does DUN.

# sdpcontrol -a mytreo search DUN

Record Handle: 0x00010001
Service Class ID List:
        Dial-Up Networking (0x1103)
Protocol Descriptor List:
        L2CAP (0x0100)
        RFCOMM (0x0003)
                Protocol specific parameter #1: u/int8/bool 1

Here is what I use to connect to the net via the treo

rfcomm_pppd -a mytreo -c -C dun -d -l rfcomm-dialup

[mytreo has an entry in /etc/bluetooth/hosts]

My ppp.conf script is pretty much the same as yours (except
that right now I log everything but timer events).  From
ppp.log I see that the phone does not respond to the initial
AT<cr> with OK as it should.  So it seems the treo never
really sees any communicaiton.

Thanks for your response!

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