How to connect a BT Mouse?

Eric Anderson anderson at
Thu Aug 25 12:09:08 GMT 2005

Arne Schwabe wrote:
> Hi,
> Today I tried to make my bt mouse work with freebsd again, after I had
> it on my other pc. 
> It does not work anymore. I tried hccontrol create_connection which
> worked but bthidd still does not recognize.
> After booting windows connecting the mouse and rebooting it works
> again, until I use the mouse on my other Pc and switch back :/
> There must be a better way then booting windows.

There is!

Your mouse can only connect to one bluetooth host at a time, so it needs 
to learn which host to connect to when switching.  When you booted into 
into Windows, you told the mouse to connect to your pc (it doesn't care 
the OS of course).

On my mouse, I have a 'Connect' button on the bottom.  I think, what I 
had to do, was use bthidcontrol -a mymouse forget , then hit the 
'Connect' button, then use bthidcontrol -a mymouse query to grab the HID 
config from the mouse, which I dumped into the HID daemon config file. 
Once I did the query, the mouse talked to the computer, and all was 
well.  Note - that's all from memory, so it's probably a little wrong.. :)


Eric Anderson        Sr. Systems Administrator        Centaur Technology
Anything that works is better than anything that doesn't.

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