Access internet from phone via pc?

Maksim Yevmenkin maksim.yevmenkin at
Tue Aug 23 23:17:17 GMT 2005


> My phone (K700i) can access the internet by GPRS, etc. Is it also possible
> to let it access internet via my pc? Can I set up bluetooth that my phone
> uses my pc as a gateway? Or do phones not have this capability?

i just tried this with my k700i (firmware R2AE033 prgCXC
125821_EU_1_C) and it does not seem to know how to do it :(

i even tried to get the list of known services from my laptop, i.e.
"connectivity > bluetooth > my devices > select laptop and and click
on services" and it only displays obex push, but i also had "serial
port" and "lan access via ppp" services registered.

hcidump shows that the phone got all the services from my laptop - see
output below. the phone even asked for the WAP service twice :)

perhaps it might be possible with BNEP/NAP/PANU profiles, but these
are not supported yet in FreeBSD.


HCIDump - HCI packet analyzer ver 1.16
>   SDP SSA Req: tid 0x0 len 0x19
      pat uuid-16 0x1108 (Headset)
      max 65535
      aid(s) 0x0001 (SrvClassIDList) 0x0004 (ProtocolDescList) 0x0009
(BTProfileDescList) 0x0100 (SrvName) 0x0302 (unknown)
      cont 00
<   SDP SSA Rsp: tid 0x0 len 0x6
      count 3
      cont 00

>   SDP SSA Req: tid 0x0 len 0x19
      pat uuid-16 0x111e (Handsfree)
      max 65535
      aid(s) 0x0001 (SrvClassIDList) 0x0004 (ProtocolDescList) 0x0009
(BTProfileDescList) 0x0100 (SrvName) 0x0311 (unknown)
      cont 00
<   SDP SSA Rsp: tid 0x0 len 0x6
      count 3
      cont 00

>   SDP SSA Req: tid 0x0 len 0x1f
      pat uuid-16 0x1102 (LAN)
      max 65535
      aid(s) 0x0001 (SrvClassIDList) 0x0004 (ProtocolDescList) 0x0008
(SrvAvail) 0x0009 (BTProfileDescList) 0x0100 (SrvName) 0x0101
(SrvDesc) 0x0200 (VersionNumList)
      cont 00
<   SDP SSA Rsp: tid 0x0 len 0x48
      count 69
      record #0
          aid 0x0001 (SrvClassIDList)
             < uuid-16 0x1102 (LAN) >
          aid 0x0004 (ProtocolDescList)
             < < uuid-16 0x0100 (L2CAP) > <
             uuid-16 0x0003 (RFCOMM) uint 0x1 > >
          aid 0x0009 (BTProfileDescList)
             < < uuid-16 0x1102 (LAN) uint 0x100 > >
          aid 0x0100 (SrvName)
             str "LAN Access using PPP"
      cont 00

>   SDP SSA Req: tid 0x0 len 0x22
      pat uuid-16 0x1115 (PANU)
      max 65535
      aid(s) 0x0001 (SrvClassIDList) 0x0004 (ProtocolDescList) 0x0006
(LangBaseAttrIDList) 0x0008 (SrvAvail) 0x0009 (BTProfileDescList)
0x0100 (SrvName) 0x0101 (SrvDesc) 0x030a (SecurityDescription)
      cont 00
<   SDP SSA Rsp: tid 0x0 len 0x6
      count 3
      cont 00

>   SDP SSA Req: tid 0x0 len 0x2b
      pat uuid-16 0x1116 (NAP)
      max 65535
      aid(s) 0x0001 (SrvClassIDList) 0x0004 (ProtocolDescList) 0x0006
(LangBaseAttrIDList) 0x0008 (SrvAvail) 0x0009 (BTProfileDescList)
0x0100 (SrvName) 0x0101 (SrvDesc) 0x0200 (VersionNumList) 0x030a
(SecurityDescription) 0x030b (NetAccessType) 0x030c (MaxNetAccessRate)
      cont 00
<   SDP SSA Rsp: tid 0x0 len 0x6
      count 3
      cont 00

>   SDP SSA Req: tid 0x0 len 0x25
      pat uuid-16 0x1117 (GN)
      max 65535
      aid(s) 0x0001 (SrvClassIDList) 0x0004 (ProtocolDescList) 0x0006
(LangBaseAttrIDList) 0x0008 (SrvAvail) 0x0009 (BTProfileDescList)
0x0100 (SrvName) 0x0101 (SrvDesc) 0x0200 (VersionNumList) 0x030a
      cont 00
<   SDP SSA Rsp: tid 0x0 len 0x6
      count 3
      cont 00

>   SDP SSA Req: tid 0x0 len 0x1f
      pat uuid-16 0x1113 (WAP)
      max 65535
      aid(s) 0x0001 (SrvClassIDList) 0x0009 (BTProfileDescList) 0x0100
(SrvName) 0x0306 (unknown) 0x0307 (unknown) 0x0308 (unknown) 0x0309
      cont 00
<   SDP SSA Rsp: tid 0x0 len 0x6
      count 3
      cont 00

>   SDP SSA Req: tid 0x0 len 0x1f
      pat uuid-16 0x1113 (WAP)
      max 65535
      aid(s) 0x0001 (SrvClassIDList) 0x0009 (BTProfileDescList) 0x0100
(SrvName) 0x0306 (unknown) 0x0307 (unknown) 0x0308 (unknown) 0x0309
      cont 00
<   SDP SSA Rsp: tid 0x0 len 0x6
      count 3
      cont 00

>   SDP SSA Req: tid 0x0 len 0x16
      pat uuid-16 0x1107 (IRMCSyncCmd)
      max 65535
      aid(s) 0x0001 (SrvClassIDList) 0x0004 (ProtocolDescList) 0x0009
(BTProfileDescList) 0x0100 (SrvName)
      cont 00
<   SDP SSA Rsp: tid 0x0 len 0x6
      count 3
      cont 00

>   SDP SSA Req: tid 0x0 len 0x21
      pat uuid-128 00000001-0000-1000-8000-0002ee000002
      max 65535
      aid(s) 0x0001 (SrvClassIDList) 0x0004 (ProtocolDescList) 0x0100 (SrvName)
      cont 00
<   SDP SSA Rsp: tid 0x0 len 0x6
      count 3
      cont 00

>   SDP SSA Req: tid 0x0 len 0x19
      pat uuid-16 0x1105 (OBEXObjPush)
      max 65535
      aid(s) 0x0001 (SrvClassIDList) 0x0004 (ProtocolDescList) 0x0009
(BTProfileDescList) 0x0100 (SrvName) 0x0303 (SuppFormatsList)
      cont 00
<   SDP SSA Rsp: tid 0x0 len 0x5c
      count 89
      record #0
          aid 0x0001 (SrvClassIDList)
             < uuid-16 0x1105 (OBEXObjPush) >
          aid 0x0004 (ProtocolDescList)
             < < uuid-16 0x0100 (L2CAP) > <
             uuid-16 0x0003 (RFCOMM) uint 0x2 > <
             uuid-16 0x0008 (OBEX) > >
          aid 0x0009 (BTProfileDescList)
             < < uuid-16 0x1105 (OBEXObjPush) uint 0x100 > >
          aid 0x0100 (SrvName)
             str "OBEX Object Push"
          aid 0x0303 (SuppFormatsList)
             < uint 0x1 uint 0x2 uint 0x3 uint 0x4 uint 0x5 uint 0x7 uint 0xff >
      cont 00

>   SDP SSA Req: tid 0x0 len 0x16
      pat uuid-16 0x1106 (OBEXObjTrnsf)
      max 65535
      aid(s) 0x0001 (SrvClassIDList) 0x0004 (ProtocolDescList) 0x0009
(BTProfileDescList) 0x0100 (SrvName)
      cont 00
<   SDP SSA Rsp: tid 0x0 len 0x6
      count 3
      cont 00

>   SDP SSA Req: tid 0x0 len 0x22
      pat uuid-16 0x111b (ImagingResp)
      max 65535
      aid(s) 0x0001 (SrvClassIDList) 0x0004 (ProtocolDescList) 0x0009
(BTProfileDescList) 0x0100 (SrvName) 0x0310 (unknown) 0x0311 (unknown)
0x0312 (unknown) 0x0313 (unknown)
      cont 00
<   SDP SSA Rsp: tid 0x0 len 0x6
      count 3
      cont 00

>   SDP SSA Req: tid 0x0 len 0x22
      pat uuid-16 0x111b (ImagingResp)
      max 65535
      aid(s) 0x0001 (SrvClassIDList) 0x0004 (ProtocolDescList) 0x0009
(BTProfileDescList) 0x0100 (SrvName) 0x0310 (unknown) 0x0311 (unknown)
0x0312 (unknown) 0x0313 (unknown)
      cont 00
<   SDP SSA Rsp: tid 0x0 len 0x6
      count 3
      cont 00

>   SDP SSA Req: tid 0x0 len 0x22
      pat uuid-16 0x111b (ImagingResp)
      max 65535
      aid(s) 0x0001 (SrvClassIDList) 0x0004 (ProtocolDescList) 0x0009
(BTProfileDescList) 0x0100 (SrvName) 0x0310 (unknown) 0x0311 (unknown)
0x0312 (unknown) 0x0313 (unknown)
      cont 00
<   SDP SSA Rsp: tid 0x0 len 0x6
      count 3
      cont 00

>   SDP SSA Req: tid 0x0 len 0x16
      pat uuid-16 0x1101 (SP)
      max 65535
      aid(s) 0x0001 (SrvClassIDList) 0x0004 (ProtocolDescList) 0x0009
(BTProfileDescList) 0x0100 (SrvName)
      cont 00
<   SDP SSA Rsp: tid 0x0 len 0x3f
      count 60
      record #0
          aid 0x0001 (SrvClassIDList)
             < uuid-16 0x1101 (SP) >
          aid 0x0004 (ProtocolDescList)
             < < uuid-16 0x0100 (L2CAP) > <
             uuid-16 0x0003 (RFCOMM) uint 0x1 > >
          aid 0x0009 (BTProfileDescList)
             < < uuid-16 0x1101 (SP) uint 0x100 > >
          aid 0x0100 (SrvName)
             str "Serial Port"
      cont 00

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